Example sentences of "'s [verb] [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And again that 's looking at the same time in nineteen seventy se seventy seven , seventy eight time , it 's looking back into that er er driveway , and if you can remember the sort of the Victorian or Edwardian er photograph that er I showed you before , of er virtually that er that view .
2 It 's lying in the same direction as it was flying when it came down — north-east to south-west .
3 Working on the same principle as a jigsaw , but with the reciprocating blade in line with the saw body , it 's used in the same position as a hand saw , but held with both hands .
4 As a matter of fact he 's buried in the same piece of ground as Peter Lawton and Mathew Bryce .
5 Let's try following ‘ happy about ’ , and see if he 's going to the same address .
6 So it 's going over the same ground but from the different er different emphasis because clearly my mistake last week was to try and cram in too much and to erm assume that what I was saying about modern sex theory was erm self-evident .
7 And in the last couple of years I 've been listening to music that 's going in the same direction , like The Beach Boys , for instance , but trying to keep it within a guitar format .
8 That 's based on the same number of colour photographs that we had in last year 's annual report .
9 He 's staying in the same hotel . ’
10 But the Rugby Union has seen fit to let it degenerate and from next season , when it 's played at the same time as the divisional championship , it will be virtually kaput .
11 You know you can hear everyone talking at the same it 's recording at the same time you can hear everyone talking like sort of really clearly .
12 She 's travelling on the same train as you , but do n't fall in love with her . ’
13 That is , they think it 's knitted in the same yarns and feels just the same as single -bed Fair Isle .
14 I have a feeling it 's coming from the same source .
15 Blushing , I grabbed the proffered rod , carefully avoiding Ann 's look of resignation , and instantly hooked both the dap and Ann 's cast at the same time .
16 Well , yes , it 's very interesting , but I 'm not sure it 's working in the same direction as almost implied by your question of implying that there was almost too much .
17 Well it 's very interesting , but I 'm not sure it 's working in the same direction as almost implied by your question of implying that there was almost too much .
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