Example sentences of "were given [prep] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When mealworms were given to a group of meerkats by means of a cleverly designed dispenser their activity increased enormously and the pattern was on a par with that of the wild populations ; without such a dispenser they showed more lethargic , passive and atypical behaviour patterns .
2 Such a practice was frowned on by the church , and instructions were given to the warden of the building that if any young woman allowed a man to stay overnight then she was to be reported to the Mother Superior .
3 The photo was one of a group of twenty-eight Rodchenko photographs which were given to the consigner in 1960 by Varvara Rodchenko , the artist 's daughter , and which raised £445,648 in total .
4 Though pineapples from Barbados were first brought to England in 1657 and more West Indian ones were given to the king in 1661 and 1668 , it is unlikely that the fruit was grown successfully in England until about 1690 at Hampton Court , then in the charge of George London [ q.v . ] ,
5 Rumoured to have been locked in the safe at KISS FM when a couple of acetates were given to the station in advance of release , this is an ultra-obvious semi-Italio belter which should keep floors jumping .
6 The earliest mention of the church is in 1115 when the church and titles were given to the Abbey of St Martin in York .
7 In parliament he was wont to abandon an argument half-completed if he sensed that his point had been made ; the speeches that appear in Hansard were touched up by his staff , and his speeches in the country were given to the press in advance .
8 These powers , which the reformers Ephialtes and Pericles tendentiously represented as ‘ usurped privileges ’ , were given to the council of 500 and to the People i.e. the Assembly and the law-courts .
9 Frost , regarded in his time as the ‘ finest comic artist in the U.S. ’ were given to the Club in 1972 by Mr. R.S. Green .
10 ‘ They do say , ’ said Cathbad , ‘ that if you ever found your way to the Prison of Hostages , you would find all the children whose hearts were given to the Conablaiche during that time , and whose souls were taken by the Lad .
11 The rejoinder by the defendant to this pleading alleged that the notes were given by Samuel Revill and himself as sureties and were given for the securing of part of the father 's debt and for no other consideration or purpose .
12 On the surrender of the abbey to the king 's commissioners in December 1539 , the buildings assigned ‘ to remain undefaced ’ were given into the custody of its former steward , Sir Edward Baynton , but all those ‘ deemed to be superfluous ’ were committed to Stumpe as Baynton 's deputy : they included the church , cloister , chapter house , dormitory , frater , and infirmary .
13 You were given into the care of people who reared you well . ’
14 No details were given about the content of the comments , unlike those of the previous consultation on the PREPP recommendations , but it is known that while the community proposals had the broad backing of nursing unions and organisations , all had some reservations , and these have not been addressed .
15 In relation to the North sea , I am sure that the Minister will recall that during the Kincardine and Deeside by-election , various hints and half-promises were given about the transfer of the petroleum exploration division jobs to Aberdeen .
16 Assurances were given about the number of lesson visits on which judgments about teachers ' competence would be based , and an attempt to make the procedure more ‘ egalitarian ’ , or ‘ fraternal ’ was blocked .
17 Articles were placed in the press chronicling the joys of country life ( and — as will be shown — fruitless attempts were made to demonstrate that the rural environment was having a positive effect on the children 's health ) ; talks were given on the radio to parents ; special posters were printed ; and it was arranged for the Queen to visit certain schools in November to publicise the scheme .
18 No details were given of the date of execution .
19 Initial responses were given at a meeting on 13 January .
20 If permission were given after an application to the planning committee , the monument would be erected east of the Nelson monument above the former Royal High School building , which would have housed a Scottish parliament if the Conservatives had lost the general election last April .
21 Questions on money were given in a variety of different modes : written , mental , practical and oral .
22 Some general suggestions about how to present numerical material clearly , about labelling , definitions and so on , were given in the appendix to chapter 7 .
23 Phosphates were given in the form of glycerophosphate , which the membranes of cells contain , in the belief that this would facilitate the assimilation of phosphate into the tissues , particularly in the brain .
24 The reasons for not pursuing a more radical course were given by the government as the increased burden of compliance placed on companies , the absence of clear criteria for what constitutes an abuse of market power giving rise to uncertainty for business ( and the possible consequent ‘ chilling effect ’ on competitive behaviour ) , and the suggestion that a prohibition system would bite on fewer market situations than present legislation .
25 They were given by the Duke of Bedford , who also gave a statue of Bunyan to Bedford Corporation .
26 Contradictory signals were given by the military in the aftermath of the demonstrations .
27 I asked under what circumstances dispensations from the health and safety regulations were given by the Department to offshore oil companies .
28 In November , details were given regarding the season to date and it is now time to update to the midwinter break .
29 The mate used to get erm on the dredger the tug and the two dumb hoppers , or the dumb hoppers they used to get four pound five shillings a week and erm and my father got five pound twelve and six and then it went so long we were given near the end of the dredger and er in the Harbourmaster 's wisdom he cut us all down five shillings a week , so we get three pound fifteen shillings .
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