Example sentences of "were being [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Asquith 's reform had been presented as an interim measure and the preamble to his Bill stated that the Lords " powers were being curtailed pending the introduction of a reform of their composition .
2 I hobbled my shameful way from First Buttress North on Lundy as the sun 's last rays winked over the darkening sea ( and last orders for food were being called at the island 's only pub ) after tumbling from the very last move of the 90ft first pitch of Road Runner .
3 It is only a few years ago that we were being warned about the arrival of another ice age , for heavens ' sake !
4 Clinical measurements were becoming popular about this time , and many interesting things were being discovered as a result of this more quantitative approach .
5 Other INSET initiatives , particularly school-led INSET and management training , were being developed towards the end of the evaluation period but they were beyond the reach of PRINDEP 's time and resources .
6 General hospital units were being developed within the catchment area of the hospital and its function as an admissions unit would eventually be superseded .
7 The bull and cows were being herded along the road at Calne , Wilts , when he suddenly ran wild with lust .
8 Some survivors complained they were being herded towards the site of the second bomb and were only 50ft away when it exploded .
9 She told him that she and some others were being escorted by the household guard on an expedition to the country that day .
10 His self-image and his idealism were being threatened at the anvil of reality .
11 New jobs , particularly in financial and professional services were being created in the City and in Docklands but were not going to local residents .
12 In a permissive society where officialdom and authority were being questioned at every turn , misbehaviour and impetuousness became a badge of courage and style .
13 Last night Mr and Mrs Robinson — described by police as ‘ loving and caring ’ — were being questioned by a team of detectives along with present and former tenants .
14 Others in the team were being filled with the Spirit and others strengthened for the work of ministry .
15 Philip 's misgivings , his hurt over Jim , were being assuaged by the Congress , and the happy atmosphere that was leading up to it .
16 In fact , one of the major tensions was precisely that between the residual kinship patterns and the new form of relationships that were being constructed in the course of the nineteenth century .
17 At the same time as these theories were being explored in the world of school — theories designed to make the pupil the equal of the teacher — the concept of equality was beginning to have a powerful effect on education in a more overtly political sense .
18 Although rebel Serb radio broadcast that Stup had fallen yesterday , Bosnian soldiers and ammunition were being rushed through the town to the front throughout the day .
19 Only now the coherence and the poetry were being deluged by the reality , or hope , of psychedelic drugs .
20 When she reached the atrium , she could hear the faint hum of voices and laughter coming from the library , where drinks were being served beside the fire — for the weather had reverted to normal , and there was a chill in the air this evening .
21 Now that the Spot the Talent competition was over teas were being served in the marquee .
22 And the pirates were so busy discussing the problem , and what they would do with the reward if they won it , that they did n't notice that they were being observed from the window above by none other than the new Mayor and his entourage .
23 A report in Le Monde of March 31-April 1 said that French Foreign Legion troops , flown in to assist the Rwandan forces when the rebel invasion began the previous October [ see pp. 37765-66 ] , were being withdrawn following the ceasefire .
24 On Oct. 30 Talabani warned that the government planned an economic blockade against parts of Kurdistan , and claimed that civil services were being withdrawn in a move tantamount to " a declaration of economic war " .
25 On Nov. 27 Radio Djibouti reported that French troops were being withdrawn from the area .
26 ‘ Our boys ’ were being nurtured in the belief that they were the leaders of tomorrow , the ‘ happy few ’ who would one day be running whatever had now taken the place of the Empire .
27 Putting her knead cake down in the kitchen , she went back to her own home through the streets where already black crepe banners were being hung from every window .
28 It is not clear if they were being tempted to the south in search of sugar or if the Atlantic voyages were mainly concerned with fishing .
29 Some of the wounded were being placed on the grass in front of the Chateau .
30 The less fortunate were the severely wounded who were being placed on the grass with two medics to attend to their wounds .
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