Example sentences of "were not [adj] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The new cadre of experts were not mere effects of the wider crises and destabilizations .
2 As with Auer 's lace , the verisimilitude was striking and The Times reported that touch alone could convince the beholder that the minutely detailed weeds with their infinitely varied tints were not actual specimens from the sea shore.2
3 There were not many trees in the poorer part of the city but the few trees there were , preserved to give shade in the little squares , were full of birds .
4 There were not many heroes in the wars over Andres Serrano 's ‘ Piss Christ ’ photograph , Robert Mapplethorpe 's homoerotic images , Karen Finlay 's chocolate and bean-sprout performance pieces .
5 But there were not many opportunities for the son of a bricklayer to take up writing and at 14 he began work in the parcels department at the local Co-op .
6 There were not many people at the pool on this weekday morning .
7 There were not many passengers on the ferry — a handful of English and Irish , with one nun .
8 Concessions to blacks , while they did amount to debits from poor whites , were not major threats to the continued existence of the state …
9 The defendants as well as the Serious Fraud Office wanted to see more of the documents , but the liquidators objected on the ground that the transcripts were not material evidence within the definition of section 2(2) of the Criminal Procedure ( Attendance of Witnesses ) Act 1965 .
10 The magistrates were held entitled to find that the constables were not private friends at the certificate-holder bona fide entertained by him , and to convict him of a contravention of subs .
11 A RAPE trial was halted yesterday after a female juror complained there were not enough women on the panel .
12 Most of the other appointees were not senior members of the ruling National Liberation Front ( FLN ) , as the government continued its policy of distancing itself from the party .
13 These ‘ environmental areas ’ were not car-free precincts on the Tripp model , but consisted of areas penetrated only by ‘ local distributors ’ and ‘ access roads ’ that carried traffic essential to the local conduct of shopping , living and working .
14 When challenged as to why the ‘ pasty-faced ’ directors were not more representative of the public , Sir Nicholas replied : ‘ If we meet someone outside Scottish and English nationality who meets our requirements they would be welcomed .
15 The Brewers ' Society said Bavaria and Royal Dutch Post Horn lagers were not big sellers in the UK .
16 In other words , by restricting tests to just one equity market , the tests had built into them a bias which meant that they were not valid tests of the CAPM .
17 Oh yeah , well they were n't good slaters as the , you know , but they did produce slate there , but they did n't they were n't good slaters the just that , well they make slate but .
18 Each year the amount has gone up by inflation , and yet we see something approaching thirty thousand underspent on previous years , and here we are looking in the first year of this council to a , a , at least a five percent overspend and er , I wonder if we 've erm , excluded the time when there were n't many meetings at the beginning if we would n't have seen a considerably larger overspend .
19 But there were n't many children in the family .
20 ‘ We took this out of a Warrior in Oxford Barracks this morning — they had been practising firing at multiple targets , using the power traverse , When suddenly the turret went out of control — It 's a good job they were n't live firing on the range or someone could have been killed .
21 as if there were n't enough problems for the leftwinger trying to give up , we also face the same difficulties as the ordinary , apolitical smoker does .
22 Cos he 'd report there was a there were n't enough water inside the place , so he said to my father , say to him , he 'd say er do n't you tell me all thick he 'd say , I dredge the bloody river , he say .
23 ‘ I wanted to be nearer home and there were n't any vacancies in the local hospitals at that particular time .
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