Example sentences of "were not [adj] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Hooper v. Exeter Corporation , 56 L.J.Q.B. 457 , the plaintiff paid harbour dues on all limestone which he landed , being unaware that such dues were not payable in respect of limestone to be burnt .
2 It was disappointing to note that the modern dressings , which were not available to DNs in 1979 , appear to have reduced the popularity of paste bandages and non-medicated tulles , while doing little to counteract the possibly damaging inappropriate use of antiseptics , antibiotics and steroids .
3 Ed — Sorry the photos were not available at time of going to press due to Christmas printing deadlines .
4 Although final official figures were not available at time of publication , the turnout was around 55 per cent of eligible voters , the largest since the 55.4 per cent turnout in 1972 .
5 This explains the wide brackets ( e.g. 70–110 or 80 — 130 ) suggested by John with wise caution , but it is unfortunate that adequate groups were not available from sites with brief periods of occupation .
6 Functional parameters were not predictive of outcome of treatment ; the poor responders showed major psychological problems .
7 Last held in June 1986 , these elections were effectively mid-term ; the rest of the Congress members , the 12 elected on national lists concurrently with presidential elections in 1988 , were not due for re-election until 1992 .
8 RNase protection analysis with a probe spanning this region detected two partially protected fragments which were not present in RNA from vascular tissue and only found in RNA from visceral tissue .
9 As officers were to acknowledge in the formal consultation document on closure in 1986 , community mental health services were not all in place in the Riverside District , but the underlying objective of the strategy , to release resources to fund community service developments , had been achieved .
10 Assisted by a recent Supreme Court ruling that members of the last parliament were not immune from prosecution for corruption even if they had been re-elected , Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Sir Julius Chan had launched a full investigation in late July into the financial dealings of the previous government .
11 Finally , it has to be admitted that we were strengthened in our resolve not only by the robust advice of our own legal team but by the knowledge that the merger of Dearden Farrow and the loss of the practising name meant that we were not susceptible to concerns in regard to our reputation .
12 These differences were not attributable to differences in age or duration of diabetes .
13 As the two treatment groups were not identical in severity of disease at the start of the trial , an analysis of covariance , with corresponding confidence intervals , was used to compare each measure between the groups after treatment , making adjustments for the differences in severity of disease before treatment as measured by the corresponding baseline measurement .
14 Differences between schools remained , and were not explicable in terms of differences in intake , family characteristics or primary school attended .
15 But my father went to America just after the war , and when he came back on the Queen Mary , he brought my mother some nylons , which were not obtainable in Britain at that time .
16 Inner London bureaux which began under the auspices of the Family Welfare Association were not accustomed to volunteers at all as they were staffed by paid workers and many even have a negative attitude towards them .
17 He chattered on in his easy way to a somewhat sceptical family who were not accustomed to thinking of Bodo in this new and totally unexpected light .
18 Agitation over the Irish question had assumed the proportions of a major political threat in the 1860s , bread riots were not unknown in London in this period , and in the shadow of the second Reform Bill of 1867 there had been occasions of political violence over voting reforms .
19 The defendants were not liable for breach of statutory duty when the plaintiff fell from a 9in wide platform 6ft above the ground .
20 The grounds of the appeal were that ( 1 ) the judge misdirected himself in holding that the preliminary issue should be answered in the affirmative and/or in giving judgment on the preliminary issue for the plaintiff and ( 2 ) the defendants were not liable in negligence to the plaintiff for any injury , loss or damage suffered by him while a foetus and en ventre sa mère since he was born prior to the passing of the Congenital Diabilities ( Civil Liability ) Act 1976 and the common law did not recognise such a cause of action .
21 Could anyone say what the consequences would be if they were n't available for use in er in the development of human er medicines and treatment ?
22 Can you tell me then another side of this problem of abortion during the War is erm the problem of contraception then , erm I wonder do you think that people were n't aware of facilities for contraception then during the War ?
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