Example sentences of "an [adj] [noun sg] [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 Later that day , after many interviews with ladies who looked as if they 'd come straight from an enthralling hour knitting at the foot of the guillotine , we found our garret .
2 Prandtl 's conclusions as to the efficacy of the Magnus effect in Flettner 's application were confirmed only recently by the results of an extensive study done carried only recently by the results of an extensive study done at the University of Dayton 's Research Institute .
3 In South-west England block and basin limestones and shales and spilitic basic volcanics were laid down in an extensional basin developed at the western end of the Rheno-Hercynian zone .
4 An odd smile tugged at the corners of his firm mouth .
5 Managing nicely seemed an odd thing to do at the north end of the Reach .
6 TWO union officials at Timex were yesterday given a week to counter a claim that they have breached an interim interdict granted at the Court of Session earlier this month .
7 Under an interim constitution promulgated at the start of the month , the National Assembly had no fixed term ; its primary task was to draft a new Constitution with a view to the holding of a general election before the end of 1991 .
8 There was an old lorry parked at the end , loaded with scaffolding poles .
9 Wood is near water ; hence this image of an old poplar sprouting at the root .
10 Inside were a couple of benches , and several villagers were sitting patiently waiting for him , while an old man sat at the door smoking a smelly little pipe .
11 On the small flagstoned terrace sits a ramshackle stone barbecue and the garage is an old farm shed at the end of a roughly-laid tarmac track .
12 The main chain continues in an extended conformation held at the edge of the domain 2 β- sandwich by hydrogen bonds to strands from both β- sheets until kinked at proline 104 to commence the standard β- strand A of domain 2 .
13 Two days later the USA expelled an Iraqi diplomat based at the UN in New York for his alleged role in an assassination plot aimed at US-based Iraqi opposition figures .
14 An additional study looks at the scale and organisation of multiple-earning households .
15 It was a simple drawing of a square tower , standing in splendid isolation like an accusing finger pointing at the sky .
16 A control account is merely an extra account inserted at the back of a ledger or kept separately to make the ledger self-balancing .
17 For the subsequent judgment task the films were presented in their entirety with an audible tone recorded at the moment the car passed through the centre of the junction .
18 This protectiveness has been especially strong in Sian , as before we got here there was an ‘ incident ’ in which an Australian girl teaching at the Foreign Language Institute was attacked and injured ( a fractured scull ) by a son of one of the workers who worked in the Institute .
19 There had been an unpopular decision made at the Lords in London , so gunmen here decided to shoot a lord , to set an example .
20 These decisions , supported respectively by 23 and 32 countries , provoked a walkout by the Dutch delegate , who complained that they exemplified the lack of consideration of the larger EC members for the smaller member countries , and that the outcome of the voting had been " deviously stage-managed " to present a fait accompli based on an Anglo-French deal reached at the IMF Group of 7 meeting on May 6 [ see p. 37474 ] .
21 We are establishing an ethical committee to look at the effects of advanced techniques in animal breeding .
22 At an extraordinary conference held at the end of March , and after 1/2 years of divisions , the pro-government San-Martín wing of the Peronist General Confederation of Labour ( CGT ) reunited with the radical Azopardo wing .
23 However , an injunction being an equitable remedy awarded at the discretion of the court , will usually be suspended where best practicable means are being taken to abate the odour , and more time allowed for further efforts to be made to secure its abatement .
24 Heath and his colleagues next abolished the parliament and constitution of Northern Ireland in defiance of all Commonwealth constitutional precedent and despite the fact that the action was a unilateral tearing up of an international treaty registered at the League of Nations .
25 After years of criticism , and after Tampa , here was a suggestion of dishonesty from an unimpeachable source pointing at the chief executive of the group .
26 A member of The Savoy Group of Hotels and Restaurants , The Lygon Arms extends a special welcome to National Trust members with an exclusive invitation to stay at the hotel and depart with a case of specially selected wine from The Lygon Arms ' cellar .
27 When contemplating the history of the palazzo you have to wonder whether there might not have been some truth in an ancient prophecy made at the time when Alessi began work on the building .
28 It was fitted into an antelope-horn hilt carved at the top with the Beast 's head .
29 In October 1966 the Derry Young Republican Association held an open-air meeting to protest at the eviction of a family from a house in Creggan .
30 An independent consultant looked at the studies for WEN and reported flaws and a lack of objectivity in the use of raw data , statistics and language , although Procter and Gamble has refuted these allegations .
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