Example sentences of "an [adj] [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This was also seen by the coronameter , which registers the faint visible light scattered from coronal electrons , using an occulting disk to blank off the string visible emission from the surface of the Sun .
2 The service charge may be in dispute or there may be an inadvertent omission to pay on the part of the tenant .
3 It took the desire of the Americans to possess an ancient parish church to prompt the authorities concerned to realise its worth and the importance of not allowing such an historic treasure to decline to the state of dereliction and so be lost from our heritage .
4 The side was important in the development of young players with first team potential and the women should not allow an unbridgeable gap to emerge between the Premier side and the rest of the teams , as the men had .
5 Econometricians are not , in my experience , very good at translating their findings into terms readily understood by those without at least A-level mathematics and statistics : those who are running their own consultancies also have an understandable reluctance to go into the full details of their equations and the modifications that may be required to fit equation and data more closely together .
6 Astrology books have an awful lot to say about the Libran character and words like wishy-washy , lazy , indecisive and unambitious leap right out of the pages .
7 An innovative attempt to distinguish between the more objectionable forms of cheque-book journalism and the literature which makes a significant contribution to the culture or contributes to the prevention of crime or the rehabilitation of offenders is being made in Victoria , Australia , where the Crimes ( Confiscation of Profits ) Amendment Act 1991 ( Vic. ) , although expanding the concept of ‘ benefit ’ to include the profits of criminal expression , will provide a court with discretion to decide whether or not to treat the profits as a ‘ benefit ’ for the purposes of the Act .
8 Managing nicely seemed an odd thing to do at the north end of the Reach .
9 That was an odd comment to come from the right hon. Gentleman who , judged from his comments in recent days , would not have accepted the social charter .
10 A herd of cattle may seem an odd place to look for the meaning of life but it fits neatly with current American pop- psychology : no doubt these urban liberals have packed copies of Robert Bly 's ‘ Iron Jack ’ in their saddlebags .
11 This seemed to Francis an opportune moment to slump to the floor .
12 Preventative measures are indeed being advocated by the N.S.C.A. as an interim measure to deal with the widespread nuisance caused by straw and stubble burning after harvest .
13 People that go to Comdex do n't rate Unix , the twice-yearly technology poll conducted by Byte magazine among attendees seems to suggest — and IBM Corp still has an uphill fight to win over the hearts and minds that are presently in the Microsoft Corp camp .
14 If the symbols for mem and gimmel have become differentiated for Hebrew readers during the course of their previous experience with this alphabet , these subjects should be at an advantage on both test tasks — an enhanced ability to discriminate between the two Hebrew symbols should be helpful in both cases .
15 It was one of two cars used to force an articualted lorry to stop on the A5 .
16 During their time off , there was an exciting world to explore for the adventurous .
17 Last night we carried a report on fox hunting which may have given the impression that Mr Paul Davis held the view that the death of a hound was an acceptable price to pay in the campaign against hunting .
18 He is leading an English team to compete in the first ever Irish staging of the Jack Charlton Trout Cup — an event which will take place at a lake near Bantry in County Cork on March 29 and 30 .
19 Originally the Great Western HST fleet consisted of 2 + 7 ( two power cars with seven trailers ) but in 1983 ten sets were given an additional trailer to work on the West of England line and to cover the prime business services .
20 It is not unusual to be in this position , and it may be that there is an accepted procedure to follow in the eventuality of employers making you an offer .
21 We promised an extra issue to add to the New Year and Autumn ones and — hey presto !
22 It 's an ominous warning which gives his players an extra incentive to impress against the Londoners tonight .
23 Cuba provides a graphic confirmation of the received wisdom that it is very hard for an under-developed country to proceed to the construction of socialism without first achieving economic independence .
24 WITH THE TRAGIC loss of Dave Moore and the Rolls-Royce Spitfire RM689 it is perhaps an appropriate time to reflect on the current status of airworthy Spitfires .
25 How far , though , is that an appropriate model to apply to the more aggressive racism of relative deprivation exampled in the ‘ fighting talk ’ transcript ?
26 The Captain waited , dealing patiently with the routine paperwork with which he was constantly burdened , and diplomatically with an influential gentleman who wanted an impossible favour to do with the son 's military service .
27 But there 's an entire album to follow in the New Year , called I Am Energy , produced by Tim Simenon of Bomb The Bass .
28 The symptoms are at their worst on preview nights when sufferers have an uncontrollable urge to rush round the exhibition , doing their best to display casual indifference , until their own work has been located .
29 A town filled with disgruntled men-at-arms , more than ready to pick an easy quarrel to pay for the hard one they had lost , was no place for a fugitive Franciscan friar escaped from the Leicester convent , and suspect of treason along with several others of his house , some already executed .
30 Due to the high humidity and space requirement it is not an easy plant to grow in the aquarium .
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