Example sentences of "an [noun sg] [prep] the [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 This naturally gives an advantage to the institutions ' closest advisers : American investment banks .
2 Mother , in other words , is thought to be always the same mother , parental influences are regarded as invariable throughout childhood , and an assessment of the parents ' psychological characteristics at one point is thought sufficient to typecast them for good .
3 This work upset some textile practitioners : at one venue , an entry in the visitors ' book invited viewers to the nearby art college to see ‘ real textiles ’ — a sign that the exhibition has gone beyond the ‘ logic ’ of textiles .
4 Easy Over also holds an engagement in the Ladies ' Open , along with True Dowry , already a course winner this season .
5 Unfortunately , Madonna took this to be an indication of the lads ' state , and took her leave .
6 Initially , they emphasised export strategies as an alternative to the leaders ' investment-based approach .
7 She heard an echo of the pirates ' chorus from The Sea Hawk in the rain .
8 The registry was to act as an agent for the parties ' endorsement of bills , as well as for the delivery of the paper based bill of lading with which the goods would be claimed from the carrier .
9 In the case of a relatively small acquisition it may be sufficient just to have an appreciation of the clients ' strategic thinking .
10 The book contained a catechism and an exposition of the Apostles ' Creed , together with prayers and litanies .
11 Is not the act of contracting an exercise of the parties ' moral rights , with the effect that the outcome of the contracting , the company , is legitimated by reference to those rights ?
12 The Cadbury Committee suggests auditors should test going concern assumptions , and give an opinion on the directors ' report .
13 He never put in an appearance at the parents ' meeting .
14 Suh Kyung-won was an activist in the farmers ' movement and became president of the Catholic Farmers Association in 1982 .
15 The SDP leader , Chiam See Tong , announced that he would seek an alliance with the Workers ' Party whose general secretary , Joshua Jeyaretnum , declared himself ready to co-operate .
16 The two fresh contenders of greatest interest , if only because they were not even in the side when Scotland trounced Ireland at Murrayfield , are Peter Clohessy on the tight-head — a player who incurred the wrath of Australia 's Bob Dwyer but who was held to have made quite an impact on the Lions ' top brass versus Wales — and the young stand-off , Eric Ellwood .
17 This section is therefore designed to show how the companies scan their environments to identify these fundamental and broad-ranging changes that might have an impact on the companies ' future outlook .
18 Although that does not necessarily mean that they are good or bad managers , it may have an impact on the employees ' decision about whether they wish to be part of any bid .
19 It can be programmed to provide easier or harder material during the course of an assessment according to an analysis of the pupils ' performance .
20 There should always be a willingness to help and an understanding of the guests ' anxieties and problems .
21 Representing a wide spectrum of radical reformers — some members of the Communist Party , some members of the Popular Front — as well as ecologists , dissident members of the armed forces and religious groups , they carried banners demanding democracy and a free press , a multi-party system and an end to the Communists ' monopoly of power .
22 In December , the EC ‘ welcomed ’ a report from the European Commission calling for an acceleration of the easterners ' integration .
23 The clue to the ambitions of the ASEA is to be found in the plea that the training of youths was to be ‘ a continuance of their education ’ , and an aspect of the committees ' work that ‘ should ever be borne in mind ’ .
24 By the end of the war , despite tremendous efforts at expansion , the personnel of the French airforces totalled no more than 13,000 ( to get an idea of the aces ' prospects of survival , one may compare with this total the figures of 3,500 men killed in combat ; 2,000 killed on training alone ; and another 3,000 injured in flying accidents ) .
25 When he defeated her he founded an oracle in the dolphins ' honour at Delphi ( dolphin town ) , building a shrine where he hoped humans might be guided by a sense of otherworldliness .
26 ‘ SOME FRIENDLY ’ itself , the album that only ten days alter would shock Beggars Banquet and raise a half interested eyebrow by galloping to number one , is an affirmation of The Charlatans ' pop groove .
27 ‘ SOME FRIENDLY ’ itself , the album that only ten days alter would shock Beggars Banquet and raise a half interested eyebrow by galloping to number one , is an affirmation of The Charlatans ' pop groove .
28 In 1985 , Hoffman J. , in dealing with a case concerning an order under the Bankers ' Books Evidence Act 1879 and a subpoena duces tecum , distinguished cases of discovery by ‘ ordinary parties to English litigation who happen to be foreigners ’ .
29 Lord Justice Watkins said the Divisional Court could review an order of the magistrates ' court made for the purpose of preventing an abuse of its process and had done so on a number of occasions .
30 It can direct that the application be re-heard by a magistrates ' court or it can make an order itself which will then be treated as an order of the magistrates ' court for the purposes of enforcement and variation ( s94(9) ) .
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