Example sentences of "an [noun sg] [verb] [adv] on the " in BNC.

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1 This has been an election fought mainly on the middle ground and the Labour Party has avoided any links that might taint their respectable new image of smart suits and red roses .
2 The Empress was particularly fond of the gondola and often spent an hour drifting about on the water accompanied by one of her guests .
3 If an owl swoops down on the kangaroo rat , the kangaroo rat is alerted by the sound of wind passing over the bird 's wings and can evade the grasping talons .
4 As far as the passengers were concerned , the unscheduled stop and the sight of an ambulance drawn up on the quayside lent an element of excitement to spirits which were beginning to flag slightly as the end of the cruise loomed closer .
5 In an attempt to cash in on the UK corporate market 's growing appetite for high speed personal computer graphics , NEC Corp has introduced its Image Series of desktops , launched in the US in February ( CI No 2,116 ) .
6 The " full recovery plan " would set aside 5.4 million acres , at a cost of 32,000 jobs in the timber industry : an alternative drawn up on the instructions of Interior Secretary Manual Lujan would protect 2.8 million acres but result in the loss of 15,000 logging jobs .
7 The biggest excitement of the war for us happened when an aeroplane came down on the hill above Clove Lodge , which is just across the valley from Low Birk Hatt .
8 As we will see ( see para 6.3.4 below ) , after an approach has been made the obligation to make an announcement falls primarily on the target .
9 EEG , according to the Manual , should be recorded between an electrode placed centrally on the scalp and one behind the ear .
10 Though the areas with organized cattle stealing ranged from some of the least to most prosperous in Sri Lanka , they had in common an economy based largely on the production of rice and other grains for local consumption .
11 Erm first of all if I may just er point out that the example I put with my paper that I have submitted today , and I thank you for the er indulgence in allowing me to produce it so late , was simply that there was one particular appeal of decision where an inspector remarked particularly on the lack of a local or a development plan policy relating to generally relating to the countryside .
12 The scope for an entrepreneur to get in on the ground floor and turn petrol stations into shops supplying parts and oils was obvious — to those with an eye for business .
13 ‘ Do n't you know it 's an offence to lie down on the King 's highway and make yourself a danger to passing traffic ? ’
14 It is against a background of near hysteria that we set out to propose an alternative account of what is happening on the football terraces — an account based not on the second-hand rhetoric of myth-creating media men but on our faith in people 's ability to render their own social action intelligible and meaningful .
15 When he took off on his return flight in a small twin-engined plane , one of the engines failed , and the pilot , whether by accident or design I do n't know , did a swift turn and made an emergency landing back on the airfield , missing the Control Tower by about three feet .
16 To satisfy Moore 's requirements an activity has somehow on the one hand really to somehow matter , and on the other hand not to do so on account of anything ordinarily thought of as of practical use .
17 In an occupation depending heavily on the officer 's craft , the value of education and ‘ bookwork ’ is dismissed .
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