Example sentences of "an [adj] [noun] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 According to the firm , Twinix 's increased security and fault tolerance will allow an 80486 system to behave as a multi-processing box , offering linear power increases depending on the number of CPUs .
2 There is a very useful collection of 111 vessels of the first half of the first century under ‘ Belgic Verulamium ’ ; a group of 18 vessels from the filling of an unfinished well-shaft dated by a coin of Pius ( 145 — 161 ) ‘ lost in fair condition ’ , and a stamp of the samian potter GERMINVS who is also found on the Antonine Wall ( 142 — 163 ) ; a pit group ( Pit 6 , Insula V ) of 14 vessels with a coin of Pius ( 154 — 155 ) ; 9 vessels from Triangular Temple , from the filling between two floors of the courtyard ; there follows 9 more vessels , from different places , and 15 predating the S.E. gate , and finally , there are 7 from Pit 5 in building IV , considered as late fourth and possibly fifth century .
3 An extremist view expressed by a twentieth-century artist is what Matisse had to say about his responses to murals by Giotto .
4 A seven-member commission had the job of ranking the candidates on the basis of their scientific qualifications and on their performance at an oral examination consisting of a discussion of their scientific work and an academic lesson .
5 Although Jonadab did not believe in the old country superstition that an elder bush planted by a house kept away witches , he was a firm believer that it deflected lightning during a storm .
6 The rest of the journey , not least an eight hour wait for a connection in Los Angeles , was not , I have to admit , so memorable or pleasing .
7 It shows an earnest-looking individual gazing at a sunset vista of sea and mountains .
8 Such individuals were to be the standard-bearers of an agricultural revolution based on a farming system which overcame the limitations of African soils by the scientific rotation of crops and their integration with livestock .
9 A recent application for an agricultural cottage made by a nearby resident was turned down .
10 While there was a cultural aspect to this battle ( the Telagu people faced discrimination as a linguistic minority ) it is stressed that the struggle was focused on the conditions of an agricultural economy organised around a system of landlords and tenants .
11 At home and abroad , Mr Gorbachev has an awful lot to lose from a fight .
12 Half of the furniture and furnishings however of the twenty-five room Château de Saint-Paul en Cornillon ( an eleventh-century castle perched on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Loire near Lyon , estimated at FFr20 million and on sale separately through a Paris notaire ) went unsold , with one-third in terms of value being bought in .
13 ‘ Dormant ’ seems an odd word to apply to a wetland of acknowledged international importance , and ‘ Vibrant ’ an even odder way of describing the possible flooding of that with polluted river water .
14 It was an odd thing to say ( it would n't matter if the film was brilliant — it would still probably provoke mirth among non-believers ) , but then it was also an odd thing to see in a film which was presumably trying to revamp the alien invasion genre for a new age , because it was such a throwback to the cinematic aliens of the last few years .
15 The atmosphere was of an end-of-term party given by a headmaster in his study for the prefects .
16 They seem to be using repro-antique furniture : and remember that an 1850 sideboard looked like a repro in 1850 .
17 Often an entranced medium acts as a ‘ dictation machine ’ under direct control .
18 It seemed an unnecessary thing to have with a harpsichord .
19 At the top an arched door opened into a grand marble hall with an elegant horseshoe staircase .
20 In its first declared objective for sending troops , i.e. the protection of Saudi Arabia against possible Iraqi invasion , the USA found legitimacy under Article 51 of the UN Charter which affirmed " the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence , if an armed attack occurs against a member of the organization , until the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to maintain peace and international security " .
21 The accident happened near Tewkesbury when an articulated lorry collided with a road sweeper .
22 It does not include an articulated trailer used as a store despite its having electric power , steps up to it , and lockable shutters : Norfolk Constabulary v Seekings [ 1986 ] Crim LR 167 .
23 An interim government supported by a regional peace-keeping force ( ECOMOG — the Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group ) was announced in November [ see p. 37908 and below ] .
24 The answer he arrives at is a ‘ constitutional democracy ’ which comprises a government which preserves equal basic liberties and promotes equality of opportunity and an economic system based on a market mechanism .
25 In the face of an economic climate characterised by a higher degree of " uncertainty " , a greater volatility in demand for their output and increased pressure to reduce labour costs to a minimum , employers are seeking to build in to their workforces an element of " numerical flexibility " .
26 A leader of Socialist Left , a radical pressure group , said the confirmation in office of the old team was ‘ a serious mistake , because it signals the endorsement of an economic policy criticised by a lot of people ’ .
27 A leader of Socialist Left , a radical pressure group , said the confirmation in office of the old team was ‘ a serious mistake , because it signals the endorsement of an economic policy criticised by a lot of people ’ .
28 We can legitimately ask what does a senior official based in Whitehall and acting as a policy adviser to a minister have in common with an administrative officer working in a local branch of the Department of Social Security other than the fact that they are both civil servants ?
29 When it receives an acoustic signal transmitted from a range of up to 40 km , the weapon jettisons its ballast and rises to just below the sea surface .
30 The mean is an unstable statistic influenced by a small proportion of the population with large numbers of partners ; sampling strategies may under-represent minorities with multiple partners ( for example , prostitutes ) ; and sexual partnerships occur outside the sampled population through migration and travel .
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