Example sentences of "an [adj] [noun] [to-vb] to the " in BNC.

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1 It took the desire of the Americans to possess an ancient parish church to prompt the authorities concerned to realise its worth and the importance of not allowing such an historic treasure to decline to the state of dereliction and so be lost from our heritage .
2 This seemed to Francis an opportune moment to slump to the floor .
3 We promised an extra issue to add to the New Year and Autumn ones and — hey presto !
4 Cuba provides a graphic confirmation of the received wisdom that it is very hard for an under-developed country to proceed to the construction of socialism without first achieving economic independence .
5 How far , though , is that an appropriate model to apply to the more aggressive racism of relative deprivation exampled in the ‘ fighting talk ’ transcript ?
6 War began with an unsuccessful attempt to return to the city-plundering strategy of the previous century , went on with a great commerce-raiding voyage round the world by Anson , and ( not before it had at last ended the trading career of the South Sea Company ) was swallowed up by the more far-flung clash of British and French .
7 If the thought of a lengthy moorland return is unappealing , an alternative way to get to the best of the escarpment in a shorter time is to start from a parking area near a prominent standing stone on the unclassified road to Trecastle .
8 It is not a question of setting these two up as irreconcilable enemies , trying to make one a hero and the other a villain , for both have an invaluable contribution to make to the understanding of language , and both ultimately need each other .
9 As the uterus enlarges and presses on the neck of the bladder , you 'll feel an increased desire to go to the loo .
10 Richard Rolle and Dame Julian both wrote about their personal experiences , yet both clearly felt that they had an important message to deliver to the world .
11 The data processing manager and other computer professionals , either within the company or brought in from outside as consultants , will have an important contribution to make to the decision .
12 Most of the points which Petrey makes in the course of the discussion follow from his two central claims : that Austin 's formulation of speech act theory was a significant breakthrough in the study of language and that speech act theory has an important contribution to make to the study of literature .
13 He says that they mounted an undercover operation to get to the horse — it 's in such a bad way it may have to be put down .
14 But by the latter part of the 1970s he experienced an irresistible urge to return to the private sector and he had a very clear idea of how he would go about it .
15 All proposals had to go through a protective sieve , an inner filtration to correspond to the standard he sets for his work .
16 All proposals had to go through a protective sieve , an inner filtration to correspond to the standard he sets for his work .
17 My main part has been to design an adjustable bracket to attach to the alternator and tension the pulley .
18 The terminology adopted in this chapter , ‘ people with learning difficulties ’ , is a reflection of an increasing readiness to attend to the views of the people themselves .
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