Example sentences of "n't [vb infin] [pron] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She ca n't , she ca n't cuddle you at the minute .
2 And he added : ‘ We do n't want him at the club and if I have anything to do with it , he 's not coming back at all . ’
3 At a separate news conference , Sugar was in equally confident mood , telling reporters : ‘ We do n't want him at the club and if I have anything to do with it , he 's not coming back at all . ’
4 Do n't throw them at the windows .
5 well I 'm always calling them tweedle dum and tweedle dee , hey do n't throw it at the house , it might be something fragile
6 Bless Marvin Gaye — but we do n't need him at the moment !
7 Onassis invited me — I did n't know him at the time but later we became great friends — and we talked .
8 ‘ They wo n't know us at the station , in London , ’ said Jonathon suddenly .
9 I did n't know it at the time , but he had come to prepare us for the move to England .
10 Though I did n't know it at the time , Lebanon was suffering only the hors d'oeuvre of the devil 's dinner .
11 ‘ Well , I did n't know it at the time , but the telegraphist on the next set to mine-Lofty , he 's called — was on my wavelength too .
12 ‘ I did n't know it at the time .
13 I did n't know it at the time but a greater blow awaited me A few days later Mrs Rumney was on the phone again .
14 Of course I did n't know it at the time , but by then my mother and father 's marriage was showing cracks .
15 SO next time you need washing powder , washing up liquid , shampoo , etc. do n't buy it at the supermarket ( they make enough profit already ! ) order it from me ( I order on Sundays to deliver the next Friday ) and LET NCT HAVE THE PROFITS …
16 O M O V you ca n't buy it at the chemist it is n't a new type of bread for some religious festival it 's not a new cleaning detergent O M O V what is O M O V ?
17 and could n't clear it at the end of the quarter ?
18 If you have a young family a sandpit can be popular but do n't site it at the bottom of the garden out of sight .
19 If you ca n't do it here you ca n't do it at the beginning of the second appointment , if you ca n't do it there then the chances are you 'll do it right at the end and if you have n't made the sale I guarantee you wo n't ask .
20 She would n't do it at the time , because she felt the whole issue ought to be allowed to settle down .
21 He added : ‘ Ferzana wanted to watch TV and could n't do it at the family gathering . ’
22 ‘ I did n't feel anything at the time , ’ he continued .
23 We did n't watch it at the cinema .
24 Indeed , I probably did n't understand her at the time .
25 They could n't understand it at the time , and nor could I. None of us has any religious sense , there were n't any fundamentalist kinsmen to pacify : the absence of a fellow in a frilly white frock would n't have led to the suppuku of disinheritance .
26 I did n't realize it at the time but I think it wants
27 I knew everything , they could n't believe it at the hospital .
28 And so as I grew up er they knew me and I knew them and I was to need one or two later on , for various reasons , but er you could n't see it at the time .
29 We shall be arriving at The Blackheath Gate and so if we do n't see you at the shoot , I would just like to thank you now for your help and advice on the recces .
30 ‘ So we wo n't see you at the meet on Tuesday ? ’
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