Example sentences of "n't [be] [verb] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But nobody who regularly uses the motorway can say they have n't been warned about the dangers of driver fatigue .
2 It has n't been reported in the papers then yet ?
3 Can I touch on another thing , which I think , has n't been mentioned in the notes , but is very much in our minds .
4 Now we were to try something which , as far as we knew , had n't been offered to the viewers before .
5 He 'd explain that in the kerfuffle last night he had n't been paid for the jobs he 'd done .
6 The area ca n't be affected by the adventurers physically or magically .
7 But do n't be fooled by the freebies .
8 What is important is that ‘ other products ’ ca n't be made in the hours used for the order .
9 Rover has provided written evidence for the Enquiry but wo n't be represented at the hearings .
10 It ca n't be referring to the ones the sons of the kingdom that are inheriting it is it ?
11 We soon learn how to cope but still relieve the tension by shouting obscenities that ca n't be heard over the sounds of the engines .
12 ‘ Bands bigger than us have got a responsibility — they ca n't be messing with the kids !
13 So you go off to this evening class , while you 're doing that , you ca n't be thinking about the problems at work , because you 've got to concentrate otherwise you 're not going to get it done .
14 And such a sentence need n't be confined to the characters of the Bible ; words like those ought to be part of the way that you and I speak about our lives .
15 His selection fate wo n't be resolved until the trials meeting .
16 but it wo n't be read by the cons it 'll be read by the screws
17 Batty certainly ca n't be excused on the grounds the manager did n't give him a ‘ fair crack of the whip ’ can he ?
18 That science can be dangerous because people are imperfect and ca n't be trusted with the weapons science creates .
19 ‘ It will be free to sell to any business , and will earn higher prices and offer greater security since it wo n't be linked to the fortunes of any one company , however successful that company may appear . ’
20 It ca n't be blamed on the unions or the last Labour Government .
21 That fool should n't be allowed on the roads . ’
22 The new ideas were an outgrowth from this , but were sufficiently novel that they could n't be pursued within the terms of his research contract with the DOE .
23 ‘ That would n't be playing by the rules , would it ? ’
24 It it 's obviously wrong that where they have had access , lawful or otherwise , that the that they should n't be interfering with the rights and the ability of the walkers to walk along that route .
25 This large collection contains nothing which could n't be found in the libraries of a major city such as Middenheim or Altdorf ( allow any scholarly type an Int test to realize this ) , except for the Chaos/heresy works , which would be restricted-access in the temples .
26 Sadly , the tugboat Primrose wo n't be joining in the celebrations .
27 The island could n't be bursting at the seams , surely ?
28 But most of them can take solace in that their performances are n't being reflected in the results of late .
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