Example sentences of "n't [adv] [vb infin] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't much want to share anything with a grossly fat man wearing nothing but one of the lately fashionable cherub costumes — consisting solely of two small white wings glued to his blubbery back .
2 ‘ You do n't just stop loving someone after all that time — unfortunately , ’ she says .
3 You do n't fucking expect to see them on the side of a bar though do you ?
4 You ca n't possibly have got it into your head that I 'm having some kind of affair with Lexy , of all people .
5 ‘ Oh , yes , ’ she answered lightly , and turning to Leith , ‘ I 'm afraid Travis does n't always surface to join us for breakfast on Sunday morning . ’
6 I should n't ever have got myself into that position but it 's a wonderful feeling when you get yourself out of it .
7 I do n't really want to take him to court . ’
8 The other , the other weakness it possibly turned up is that , my experience is that , unless something bad there , the press do n't really want to do anything about it , if you 're just trying to sell your wares and say how good you are , and then hide a bit behind , I mean they 'll turn around anyway the circle , must be something .
9 I mean we 're all , I 'm sure , basically family with what Darwin 's theory of evolution is , and I do n't really want to labour you by reminding you of it , but I think it 's important to appreciate first of all what his problem was erm and I think that it 's fair to say that for Darwin the problem was that as a naturalist he was aware of the fact that animals and plants are adapted to a quite extraordinary degree to their particular ways of life , and indeed many of his books on orchids and earthworms and so on have a great deal to say about the details of these adaptations .
10 I would erm suggest what we do is we stop the Dieside and put in something else , you know , just to keep you on on I do n't really want to have you on a combination of lots
11 Cos I have got a verruca the si anyway that 's a problem that I have I do n't really want to share it with you .
12 I really want to get , I er , I I want you to , I did n't really want to make it to four , I did n't want to get it too formalized because I think that sometimes gets in the way of real information .
13 Both their voices were low ; they did n't really mean to include him in the conversation , and it was noisy in the room ; people laughed and shouted , the music next door had been turned up .
14 Oh , yes , she recognised the sexual awareness that was an integral part of his attitude towards her , and it made her uneasy , but he could n't really mean to do anything about it when he despised her so intensely .
15 Erm , I do n't really wish to add anything in particular to this if people would like to ask questions , then I 'm prepared to answer them .
16 Erm , we do n't really need to concern ourselves with it in detail , thank God , because genetics is a terribly complicated business and awfully technical and I do n't understand a , a tenth of it , and we do n't really need to .
17 If you 're just somebody who 's on the outside providing services , to keep the smooth running of it then you do n't really have to know anything about it .
18 He 's we do n't really get to know him as a person .
19 These are balls too big and important to juggle carelessly and Hooto ( TM ) , earnest , needy , industrious but essentially an intellectual featherweight , does n't even manage to lift them off the ground .
20 Braden did n't even offer to pay him for the ticket .
21 She had heard the cops on Plenty did n't even bother throwing you in jail .
22 I did n't even bother play it to anyone .
23 Well he does n't even need to say anything at all actually you could just sit down , erm and start to write a poem about what he imagines .
24 You do n't even have to hit them off the ground .
25 You wo n't even have to throw me off Water Gypsy .
26 I do n't even like having them on the island , not even Mrs Clamp , who comes every week on a Saturday to clean the house and deliver our supplies .
27 You accused me of being blinkered , but you 're just as bad , wo n't even try to understand it from my point of view . ’
28 ‘ And to think that I had specially brought that card all the way from Croisset and did n't even get to put it in place !
29 I 'm sure he 's going to be fine , but I think I 'll have to make it clear that I did actually have a life before he came along , and I do n't particularly want to do everything with him !
30 ‘ We do n't particularly want to protect him from infection .
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