Example sentences of "n't [verb] your [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And do n't throw your suitcase on the floor … now you 'll have to pick everything up . ’
2 ‘ Thanks , but I really do n't need your opinions on the subject . ’
3 Perhaps you know them over the garden wall to speak to you , you might even know their children by name and you know their christian name , but beyond that I think it 's true to say , even making allowance of generation gaps that you do n't know your neighbours in the same way that you knew your neighbours in London .
4 If you ca n't afford to repay debts on time , do n't bury your head in the sand .
5 Do n't 1 Do n't bury your head in the script .
6 Do n't drum your hands on the tablecloth ,
7 I mean … you did n't finish your work on the ghost orchids ? ’
8 Oh do n't scrape your chair across the floor
9 So sorry can I just ask , so in effect you have n't shifted your ground from the view which you expressed in paragraph three point six of your submission where you 've just confirmed in fact that you 'd rather have a proper or the ability to make a sort of proper measured allocations , part of which would make provision or allow the facility to cater for major inward investment ?
10 If you have n't got your ticket to the 1991 Federation Cup by NEC , presented by Midland Bank , then call now .
11 And what will you do if it rains and you have n't got your anorak on the deck , Dick ?
12 Accommodation Well you have n't got your stairs in the front room for a start .
13 You ca n't look your family in the eye .
14 I did n't ring your family with the sole intention of provoking another of your temper tantrums , however entertaining I may find them .
15 If you do n't claim your Prize by the 22nd June your Winners Number will go to someone else .
16 O K , but if you have n't shown your face at the window in the first couple of minutes I 'm coming in after you . ’
17 You should n't drop your books on the floor darling , cos that 's a special book .
18 Adjust the height of the fitting so that it does n't obscure your view across the table while you 're eating , but is n't so high that you can look into the shade at the bulb .
19 Did n't squash your arse behind the back door .
20 I says , do n't take your money out the house , a
21 She did n't take your place in the theatre long ; was n't good enough , I 'd say .
22 But do n't starve your customers in the process — there 's no profit in that either .
23 It 's sometimes hard to explain to a person who does n't share your enthusiasm for the plant and animal kingdom why watching three ptarmigan walking about on a clump of moss is exciting , but take my word for it that it is .
24 Remember how nasty it was the last time you were sick ? ’ or ‘ Do n't leave your doll at the top of the stairs , because someone might trip over it and fall to the bottom .
25 Do n't leave your decision to the last moment — you should not expect your surveyor to hurry a report which can potentially save you thousands of pounds — talk to him as soon as you have chosen your purchase .
26 I could n't drag your name through the divorce courts , even if we could ever … ’
27 Remember that fake tanning products do n't protect your skin from the sun .
28 Foucard has n't believed your story of the row , has he ? ’
29 You should n't put your elbows on the table at mealtimes .
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