Example sentences of "n't [verb] [prep] the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , supposing you erm , this , this , this was used principally in child analysis , which did n't exist before the First World War , it was developed afterwards .
2 but when I spoke about safety and getting the money back from the safety training that they now want that they did n't want in the first place you said , no , we should do that
3 The WinServer boxes will ship with up to six 50MHz Intel Corp 80486 parts until 60MHz Pentiums become generally available — volume deliveries of WinServers are n't expected until the fourth quarter .
4 I ca n't wait for the next get-together , and the thought of pulling on that old white shirt again excites me .
5 We ca n't wait until the next election . ’
6 Still , ca n't wait till the next game .
7 And when you the schools , the shops in that area , I 'm not only surprised it was n't considered in the first place , but secondly , it is the key to the whole scheme and er although I 'm quite happy to move the erm recommendation , I must say that I have a very very deep concern regarding Road .
8 Yeah I remember the Bow but I did n't know about the first bit .
9 case of a shop assistant and you do n't know their name , do n't , write do n't know on the first line of shop assistant under occupation , only include people who speak to you
10 But what of the notion that pubs wo n't survive into the next century ?
11 What can you say about the game that was n't said in the last caption ?
12 Their problems intensified when wing ace Martin Offiah did n't appear for the second half after picking up a leg injury .
13 She had a deep gash to her leg , probably inflicted with an axe and severe internal injuries , though these were n't noticed until the next day .
14 ‘ Our midfield did n't contribute in the second half , ’ he said .
15 ‘ If they do n't suck by the second day , ’ said the ā gri , ‘ they forget how . ’
16 but when I was eleven years old I did n't look at the sixth form and do jus just because they were doing something I wanted to do it , I might have admired them but if they were smoking that would n't make me want to smoke .
17 ‘ The flair for getting away with things does n't descend unto the second generation . ’
18 That new leaf did n't going into the next quarter and
19 He could n't see round the next bend , he must record , tapes were periscopes , his only chance , and the slow ink stolen and the wheels turning , and everything remembered , everything proved , he was whispering now , ‘ Why five , ’ he was whispering , ‘ is n't one enough ? ’ and a voice came back , a woman 's , Sharon 's , ‘ One what ? ’
20 I did n't sleep for the first week in prison , I could n't get used to the noise .
21 Erm you notice here that the amount is , did n't alter in the last budget .
22 Of course , if he looks dodgy then do n't stop in the first place ; just say that you do n't carry a watch .
23 In fact they did n't stop until the next step in Patel emigration — their expulsion from East Africa .
24 ‘ We did n't compete in the first half and if we miss tackles like that we 're not going to beat anybody .
25 ‘ We only found out Peter was n't coming at the last minute .
26 See we er we tried to get and it was about ten to twelve so I thought , I thought Carole was n't coming till the next bus so I 'd go down and pick her up .
27 In the main , I would n't disagree with the first point .
28 The Kerry babies story did n't happen in the 19th century .
29 Stunned that he had n't known from the first moment that something was wrong with her .
30 The pleasure smoking brings is simply the satisfaction of a craving that , if one did n't smoke , one would n't have in the first place .
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