Example sentences of "n't [verb] [adv prt] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It soon became reasonably certain that I had n't picked up any kind of tails or bugs , and so I could begin to relax .
2 I said , each person sitting in this room is entitled to their emotions and if you 're unhappy then you should do something about it , because you ca n't carry on this way with this tension , it 's not productive , it 's not fun … ‘
3 He does n't give off that kind of air , but get him with a mate and there 's no stopping him .
4 She was the only one who did n't keep up this nonsense about Nora being dead …
5 Most girls would n't hesitate over this sort of thing .
6 You ca n't see down that part of the cloister leading off from the chapel into the convent .
7 You ca n't take up that sort of attitude in a small place like this .
8 And Pa Pat I do n't think I do n't hold out any hope at all that people will pay any attention they will go they 'll see a little puppy somewhere they 'll say , Oh that 's lovely we 'll buy that for Tommy er , and then Tommy will abuse it totally and er they 'll say , Well the dog was a a waste of time it did n't work properly and er did n't know how to er how to look after itself .
9 The police have questioned Mr Probyne and say he 's been very helpful , but they have n't ruled out any line of inquiry :
10 So in other words you do n't go out that door without a decision .
11 He asked me if I was sure I was n't working up some kind of plot against the Threarah and he got awfully angry and suspicious .
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