Example sentences of "n't [verb] [prep] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have n't travelled with a maid for years .
2 ‘ They do n't graze like a herd of sheep and keep all the vegetation down to one level , ’ says Robson .
3 You know , I ca n't stay for a week in silence .
4 ‘ Once you are back in England , there are a thousand other things to do : bills to pay , shopping , other sides to living that do n't exist in a place like Antarctica , where there is no telephone , and no other people for thousands of miles . ’
5 Marmeladov does n't think of a drunkard as a human being but as a brute , a beast , a swine .
6 So erm you ca n't even see the things you 're looking at , I do n't think in a group for the , for the reason Heather said , because what will happen is , you will see reflecting individual , the values and aspirations of the group and especially the , the disturbing effects of the other members and the leader .
7 " The boy do n't behave like a zombie for nothing .
8 Some of this experimental technology will go into SAS release 6.09 , most will roll into version 7.0 , which is n't expected for a couple of years yet .
9 He does n't approve of a lot of things .
10 of course we do n't know what , as your Lordship says we do n't know as a matter of fact what the , the height of the
11 ‘ We wo n't know for a couple of days but everything points to her having used large amounts of cocaine , ’ a senior detective told TODAY .
12 And he seems to think I may not get any worse , but we sha n't know for a couple of weeks . ’
13 Whereas Charles Paris , who knew that he had given one of the best performances of his career in The Hooded Owl , was a name that the punters would n't know from a bar of soap .
14 If he or she does n't act for a number of successful bands , he or she is unlikely to have a thorough understanding of accounting in the music business .
15 Obviously I could n't mime to a voice of seventeen years ago , no way on earth !
16 I was n't trapped within a vision of my femaleness .
17 Spellbound , she could have stood there gazing indefinitely if her ankle , which unconsciously she 'd put weight on , had n't protested with a stab of pain .
18 Of course , it does n't matter for a man about being fat .
19 I got I got you , I wo n't land in a convent for
20 There was a terrible nervousness which you do n't expect from a man of that age , and of that standing in the ministry .
21 He spoke with assurance ; but he looked so young with his fair hair , grey eyes and slim body , he did n't appear like a doctor at all .
22 She quite obviously was n't listening to a word of it .
23 We have n't decided on a name for the band yet , though ! ’
24 In a piece she wrote in 1913 , Ada Nield Chew constructed an imaginary discussion between a Cockney and a Lancashire couple on women 's work and the vote , in which the London husband says : ‘ It would n't do for a man in my position to have a wife going out to work .
25 If she is lucky she may find that at least a few children appreciate that ( 4 ) makes for a better drama game than ( 3 ) , and that ( 1 ) is so bland that it does n't feel like a game at all !
26 The sight-saving operation had n't worked ; the doctors had n't reckoned on a rebellion in the form of a massive eye haemorrhage .
27 But their kids were n't expected to work for their love , it was n't seen as a return for services rendered .
28 They they feel they ca n't keep to a timetable for that reason .
29 He had n't slept in a bed like that before , yet there were all those advertisements for them on television , and they were on display in shop windows and in almost all the big stores in London so that I 'd imagined them in all the houses I could see from the bus .
30 She was a big , bosomy woman who could n't work without a box of biscuits on the desk beside her , and Sarella could hear her now , crunching her way through them .
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