Example sentences of "we do [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst we would not wish to comment on the suitability or otherwise of the particular applicants , we do however appreciate the value of such establishments to rural communities .
2 We do however reserve the right to amend our prices at anytime before you book your holiday .
3 should er and we do already confess the name do n't we ?
4 We do n't pressurise the horse so that it gets more and more upset : remember , it will remember !
5 ‘ Quite frankly , we do n't think the Corby plant will recoup enough from the sale of electricity to pay all the overheads .
6 We do n't think the product is right yet , ’ he said , ‘ so there is no use marketing it until we have got it right .
7 We 're not seeking to impose artificial restraints of development , we do n't think the demand for a settlement is there .
8 Erm the I think er two comments for David is close to this and the one that we do n't expect the P and L charge starting in ninety three and going onwards to be quotes material I E it 's getting quite modest , it 's not sort of mega bucks .
9 ‘ It is now in the hands of the Crown , but if we do n't conclude the investigation soon , there is every chance they 'll be released . ’
10 He is the person in direct contact with the real world of dirty rivers , the first stage decision-maker who normally controls his supervisor 's access to ‘ problems ’ and ‘ troublesome ’ incidents : ‘ If we do n't mention the fact to anyone higher-up , no-one ever knows .
11 If you want to just check the bank account cos we do n't want the we do n't want the money going to the wrong
12 We do n't want the problems on our own doorstep cos when the chips are down , we like to go home , and we like to feel safe and if somebody 's entered your premises as an intruder then all of a sudden your security been taken away .
13 " But we do n't want the council in on it , " said another , " they 'd want something out of it , but we just enjoy doing it ourselves .
14 Even letting you you 've all talked about the you know employers are paying money in and so on , we do n't want the schemes wound up , er if I was the the employer , might I not be concerned if you elected a a chairman that was n't erm favourable to me ?
15 But we do n't want the mothers destroyed by what we do .
16 We do n't want the arena closing up afore we 're out of it , Lads , ’ he explained .
17 Yeah we 've had a , we 've had a plant over , we do n't want the champagne over
18 We do n't want the girl with us , ’ he said .
19 There is a danger in letting the drama become too real for young children ; we do n't want the dragons and giants of the drama to follow them home and give them nightmares .
20 we do n't want the fire brigade we only want one man to come up !
21 Oh do n't , we do n't want the weather .
22 We do n't want the light to deter his return , ’ he remarked .
23 I think the sub dire , we do n't want the Gem .
24 However , we do n't want the horse to get really angry , and to associate having its legs brushed with anger and a need to kick .
25 wellies cos its muddy out and we do n't want the dirt all every where
26 We do n't want the player 's name slurred for the rest of his career for something done in innocence , ’ said Mr Howes .
27 We do n't want the children from Columbia on the streets etcetera , because there 's sort of an awful helplessness about us , because we think we 're doing one person , how on earth can we actually do anything , you see if enough people think together that if possible the change happens , then it can happen , right , and you are actually the ones that are going to have to be considering that you are a world 's visitor , you are not just Tom and you 're not just Anthony right , erm , you 've really got to think , what about Jayne , there you are ideal Jayne
28 We do n't want the Romulans picking you up , do we ? ’ he said .
29 First I think it would run completely counter to our internationalist traditions to say that because we have a temporary difficulty , we do n't want the workers of the other er other eleven member states to benefit from a new Social Chapter .
30 ‘ As long as we do n't miss the mosque , ’ Adam said , and took my hand to hurry me on , like a character out of Alice .
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