Example sentences of "we would [vb infin] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is only natural that his pace has slowed and perhaps that gazelle-like mind , which was such an influence on the young George Best , may have dulled , but if I had eleven Dave Doyles in my side then we would make the Guinness Book Of Records and cause referees and opponents utter confusion .
2 We would repeal the GP contract which rewards quantity rather than quality and abolish eye and dental charges .
3 If the action project were succeeding in sustaining at home people who without its services would have been in an institution at an earlier date , then we would expect the action sample clients still at home at six months and 12 months to be more disadvantaged in the possession of factors likely to affect home care potential .
4 Having said that er we would prefer a quota system for er Stansted because without it , we could have a large number of noisey flights into Stansted and , and also that er in terms of er both this and further consultations we would expect to see full information providing us from er , a to enable us to make a sensible conclusion .
5 On the whole , we would prefer the CD policy , of same-name information only from a given address , to be followed generally , and recommend this .
6 But any form of ‘ editing ’ the file card in this way must introduce some small risk of giving an impression that is slightly awry , and we would prefer the UAPT practice of invariably giving the ‘ black ’ information entirely unabridged , although recognising the savings in time and therefore the cost that the CD procedure must allow .
7 Of course , if we were to add up the term in every market/island in the economy we would have the answer zero — the markets with below-average demand cancel out those with above-average demand .
8 Every couple of years we would rewrite the address book , leaving out those items not referenced in the index and up-date the index ( or write another one ) .
9 It has become necessary , having found the site at that we would need the access road .
10 Again , if we knew how the Euclidean curved space-times in the sum over histories behaved at early times , we would know the quantum state of the universe .
11 ‘ My objection was that we would lose the car park but on reading the prospectus I see it is not the case , ’ he said .
12 In addition , we would require a van driver .
13 Should you actually purchase the business we would require an introduction fee ( see attached schedule ) to be paid by you , and the vendor would pay a fee to [ K.Thompson Associates ] .
14 However , if we introduce an opportunity which results in their completing an acquisition we would charge an introduction fee .
15 And we would question the reading recovery amount .
16 That is why , on 16 April , my right hon. Friend the Lord President of the Council immediately announced that we would introduce a Government Bill to achieve the main objectives of the private Bill .
17 Well I strange erm accusation yes we will be , we would keep the council tax down if I am that that would be a popular message to give out and so having accepted our below er the guideline figures they did take this into consideration but we have a budget that has elements of growth in industry .
18 We would ask the Lord Chancellor to look at our contribution closely with a view to adopting it for the judiciary . ’
19 We would cross the marble floor of the lobby to reach the pool in the garden beyond .
20 Then we would visualise an alarm clock with carrots for fingers and imagine that when the alarm goes off it switches on the television set .
21 From Eaton onwards we finished the magical valley and launched into an expanse of open country , beyond which we would see the Linley skyline .
22 If the market took the view that the Government 's determination to control public spending was weakening , then we would see the pound fall and inflation increase .
23 Well erm the mortgage would be paid off and er so we would have the house and erm I guess we would receive the State pension .
24 Some twenty years ago , as a very young and inexperienced social worker , I and some colleagues working in a social services team decided that we would run a bereavement group .
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