Example sentences of "we have [verb] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We have gone slightly the other way with obviously robotics and the electronic age and this sort of thing .
2 For page one three four and T U P E , yes , well we have done quite an extensive document , there 's been a lot done about T U P E in the public sector we 've done it in the government sector and given guidelines , and T U P E , while it is like you rightly say , a step forward , it 's not the total answer we need something better , but it does level out the playing field that the cowboys can find it difficult in and we as a union are advocating to our members where there is a transfer taking place , whether there 's a change to your employment challenge it and we will support that challenge with the necessary legal interpretation if so .
3 We have collected together a representative sample of these and present them here .
4 We have built up a great deal of knowledge about the historical side of the palaces but that has not been presented to the public . ’
5 Although he can not escape from the linearity of language ( see 7.2 , 7.5.3 ) , James does the next best thing , which is to fasten our attention initially on the most immediate feature of Pemberton 's predicament : his uncomfortable sense of indecision , and then to expatiate on it so that by the time we have threaded our way through two paragraphs , we have built up a sensitive grasp of the coexisting intricacies and ironies of that predicament ( the ironies will concern us in section C below ) .
6 We have seen exactly the same psychological process in palaeontology , where the fashionable fixation for homoeomorphy in many groups brainwashed many of us into thinking : " if they look alike they ca n't be related " !
7 Although as we have seen earlier the decorative qualities of gold could be explored by direct hammering , the archaeological record shows that goldsmithing of a sophisticated kind in fact developed in communities which practised copper or bronze metallurgy .
8 As my right hon. Friend the Member for Sparkbrook said earlier , we have seen only a few small and rather insignificant measures that do not add up to a large impact on our criminal justice system , which is crying out for fundamental change .
9 In Chapter 1 , and along the way , we have seen how a characteristic feature of seventeenth-century thought was its anti-Aristotelianism .
10 We have seen how the primary relations of congruence are defined .
11 In previous chapters we have seen how the ancient manor of Combsburgh had been partially enclosed as early as the fourteenth century , especially in the areas close to the market town , and how the bulk of the field structure had been established by the late sixteenth century .
12 We have seen how the corporatist welfare state which has emerged in this country over the past hundred years is a reflection of a humanist philosophy in which the creation of wealth is of less concern and morally inferior than its distribution , in which the pursuit of equality has become the dominant economic philosophy and in which the state rather than the individual has come to be held responsible for solving our problems .
13 We have seen how the corporatist vision of the company draws upon the ideal of community which within our present legal system and our everyday thinking is generally allowed to operate only within the realm of family and friendship .
14 We saw earlier how subject specialists ( for instance , working in museums ) can provide analytical outlines upon which the teacher can draw ; we have seen how the very objectives underlying resource-based learning include an understanding of the skills teacher-librarians have till recently taught alone ; we have hinted that other ancillaries will , in their work , help the teacher not only to achieve his objectives but also to modify and even enlarge them .
15 We have seen how the off-farm job could place some restrictions on the farm and vice versa but there were also benefits to the farm from the off-farm employment .
16 We have seen how the 1946 sample decreased with the passing of time , and this must raise questions about its continuing representativeness .
17 We have seen how the three strategies of recognition involve the lexicon in different ways , and differences in the processing of words can be best explained by reference to this notion .
18 We have gathered together the largest and most spectacular collection of Indian BANJARA embroidery ever to be shown in the UK .
19 Once we have ruled out the secular notion that authority implies superiority , we can then get it back into perspective as simply a necessary tool in executing responsibility .
20 Actually , we have noted either an endoscopic recurrence or the appearance of metastases in patients with evidence of tumour infiltration ( Fig 2 ) , but in those with no sign of tumour infitration there was no recurrence within eight months .
21 We have to go back a little way to remember that in 1976 they presided over the most savage cuts ever imposed on the national health service .
22 Since then we have kept up an ongoing communication with one another .
23 We have to wait patiently a little while longer yet to determine whether the new generation Alpha RISC machines have turned Digital Equipment Corp around or whether the company is pursuing the same downward curve as IBM Corp , because the company has still scarcely started shipping the machines in real numbers — but it does not make it clear whether that is a function of supply or demand .
24 I think we have given rather a gloomy vision of what being a parent is
25 To get it to work properly , we have to clear out the old powder , which are our old conditioned thought patterns , and replace them with the right ones .
26 In this Pensions Special , we have brought together a top team of writers to address some of the key factors which all people who are concerned to have as comfortable a retirement as possible should take into account .
27 However , despite the formality and repetitive nature of the daily programme the atmosphere was relaxed and we have brought home an overwhelming impression of children and adults working together with great courage , motivation and a sense of humour .
28 We have carried out a structural and functional analysis on the human NF-L ( H-NF-L ) gene .
29 We have carried out a few water changes , but our water is still dark green .
30 We have carried out an internal hospital inquiry into the incidents , but that is a confidential inquiry at this stage . ’
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