Example sentences of "we have [verb] [art] long [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If we can achieve this , we have gone a long way towards solving the axe typology problem since groups of similarly shaped axes would appear as distinct clusters on the page and could be easily identified by eye .
2 Certainly we have gone a long way to improve the ‘ traditional ’ British Rail sandwich . ’
3 We have travelled a long way from the traditional " dualist " and " monist " views of style outlined in Chapter 1 .
4 We have travelled a long way from the original accelerationist hypothesis as set out in Friedman 's Presidential Address .
5 Truly , we have travelled a long way from the high hopes and higher hyperbole of the 1980s , when inward investment offered a fast-track escape route from a crumbling manufacturing base .
6 What follows may suggest that we have moved a long way from the consideration of reading .
7 Will my hon. Friend please comment on the cost of that and on the fact that , 50 years after the Beveridge report , we have moved a long way from the principle of paying into the kitty through insurance before being allowed to draw out of it ?
8 We have waited a long time to have car tax taken off , but VAT is still 17.5 per cent , ’ he says .
9 We have to go a long way south before we get to Alaska , ’ he said .
10 So if , as seems likely , we have to wait a long time for a follow up to the triumphant Glyndebourne production , we should be all the more grateful for occasions like the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra 's concert performance ( sponsored by English Estates ) .
11 We have got a long road ahead but he will get fit because he is so determined . ’
12 Thus Galadriel says of her life , ‘ Through ages of the world we have fought the long defeat ’ .
13 Wigan chairman Jack Robinson said : ‘ We have had a long period of success under a lot of good coaches and we are confident John can do a great job for us . ’
14 I just want to briefly introduce this , I do n't want to speak in any great , we have had a long debate in house do you if you wish to engage in a long debate again in view of the time tonight .
15 We have come a long way .
16 We have come a long way since the idealism of Lord Devlin — and that was only twenty years ago .
17 We have come a long way since then , and one of the greatest stresses in the world today is loneliness .
18 There are still many gaps , but we have come a long way .
19 We have come a long way since then , thanks to the vast amount of public investment over the last century .
20 We have come a long way since then , writes Dr David Breeze , Chief Inspector of Ancient Monuments .
21 We have come a long way in this preliminary discussion without saying anything about what actually counts as data in the social sciences .
22 We have come a long way since the days of the ice cream van and the Medau tunic .
23 ‘ We demonstrated that we have come a long way since our first game in Zimbabwe .
24 Liz Brookes , from the Dyslexia Institute , said : ‘ We have come a long way during the last year and progress is being made , but it is not enough .
25 Seeing how nature treats an inept hedgehog made me very glad that we have won the long counter-insurgency war with nature in the western world : but too weak-minded a reverence for nature is going to allow us to treat fellow humans as if they were hedgehogs in the shrubbery .
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