Example sentences of "we are [verb] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The long history of marriage and the family we are given in The Origin if first and foremost to show that the family and marriage do have a history .
2 Inevitably we are moved in the direction of using proxies which can not properly be validated .
3 There 's some valuable work gone on there , and you can , and if and if we 're going to deny these people , the opportunity of of achieving anything like their potential , I mean , it seems such a shame , when we , you know , when we are succeeding in the rest of the programme .
4 Moreover , we recognise the seminal changes we are seeking in the approach to development and ‘ progress ’ may well require fundamental institutional changes beyond that envisaged in Threshold 21 .
5 They declared : " We are united in the belief that Iraq 's aggression must not be tolerated .
6 So all in all , since most of the passage is told from Pemberton 's point of view , we are led in the absence of contrary evidence into taking the whole passage in that light .
7 If we are above government guidelines it is the labour party 's fault and if indeed we are penalised in the future it is the labour party 's fault , none other and to the extent that you run the risk now by having this excess eleven percent budget over the er standing expenditure assessment er will once again unfortunately find you guilty in that regard .
8 Firstly , I am reporting to you that there has been in the current year additional efficiency savings over and above those that previously anticipated er at the level of two hundred thousand pounds and so we are assuming in the budget erm that those can continue into ninety four , five and thereafter , and then we 'll see the resolutions have been amended to take that into account and the text of the erratum sheet explains how that 's been done .
9 Review your situation in the light of the preceding pages asking yourself , ‘ Are there areas of church life where we are operating in the dark , and where hard evidence would help us do things better ? ’
10 Erm as I say we are known in the village and this is , er this is what it 's all about .
11 As to ‘ its effect upon national character ’ , Pearson thought that ‘ whether we are changing in the direction of a higher or lower morality is … the point that is most really at issue ’ .
12 We are groping in the darkness of the post-bi-polar world , looking for a light to cast .
13 When we have a " blind spot " in any part of the swing we are groping in the dark or seeking a way through fog .
14 Because we are immersed in the culture of the modern world as actor-participants , it takes an effort of will to stand back and look clearly with Christian discernment .
15 From the moment we enter the organization , we are submerged in the multitude of verbal and non-verbal signals .
16 We are winning in the sense we are finding it easier for women to make progress in the organisation and they are not the exception any more .
17 If we are to persist in the assertion of absolute sovereignty for whatever body happens to sit from time to time at Westminster , the answer must be affirmative .
18 ‘ We are virtually prisoners here , my brother and I. Once we are confined in the Garden Tower and Denby is banished from our service , I fear we shall be denied all contact with the outside world .
19 Help us to think about what we are doing in the world .
20 Well erm for instance like myself erm like what we are doing in the association for free Kuwait erm as you know it 's erm it 's basically after August the second , after the invasion a group of private citizens , a group of Kuwaiti citizens , formed this association .
21 i have a line and think why wait till tomorrow , we are wrapped in the present , like a seamless and infinite cloak ; past and future are convenient illusions. time passes into eternity , so i ring ( eternal symbol ) mr and mrs monster to fix it up but no answer .
22 The hardships we are suffering in the recession are nothing compared to the hell of the Bosnian detention camps , and if we can not find the cash to help what amounts to very few of them then we are morally as well as economically bankrupt .
23 Answer guide : Fixed costs , we are told in the question , will be constant whatever the volume of sales ; it follows that fixed costs will be irrelevant to the decision as to which products should be produced and sold .
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