Example sentences of "we may [verb] [that] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since charged particles rarely travel close to the velocity of light we may conclude that the magnetic forces are by orders of magnitude smaller than the electric forces .
2 [ Ch 7 ] As a further example , we may observe that the formal rhetoric of parallelism , anaphora , etc is characteristic of Dickens in many of his moods : it is illustrated in passages [ 3 ] " [ 4 ] " and [ 5 ] .
3 But we may hope that the small differences in binding energies that correspond to the chemical shifts between different samples will be correctly reproduced .
4 There were obvious problems resulting from the overcrowding of working-class homes but we may speculate that the social-purity agitation over incest reflected middle-class anxieties and tensions concerning the sanctity of the family rather than the objective reality of working-class conditions .
5 In short , we may guess that the original recension of Lex Salica , a work which included traditional legal custom as well as royal edicts , was compiled for Clovis , perhaps by Frankish lawmen , but certainly with the help of Roman lawyers .
6 We may find that the corporatist vision of the company is legitimating a structure of hierarchical managerial power by appealing to the purposes for which that power is exercised .
7 In respect of the supposed vicarious eroticism of the genre , however , we may argue that the unembarrassed and disembarrassed honesty of the fabliaux " sexual fantasies largely precludes any lingering upon the process of arousal in the form of a gradual uncovering of the tale 's sexual core .
8 A stronger indication still of the difference between sense-qualifiers and referent-qualifiers is that the former examples will remain odd even when the relevant noun is indicated by the context ( yet there will be no problem with the referent-qualifiers ) : ( 15 ) that stranger is a total one the kid was a mere one ( 16 ) his hut is a rudimentary one the tree felled was a deciduous one Again we may note that the other pair of sense-qualifying adjectives from example ( 1 ) do not sound odd when used with an indefinite head : ( 17 ) a lawful one the distant one but this is not surprising because they are adjectives with more than one meaning ; in one of these they are ordinary referent-qualifiers and hence they may quite freely occur in ( 17 ) with a presumption that the referent-qualifying meaning is the one desired .
9 Deep modulation at frequencies -I " is clearly only possible if " , so we still require a " bad cavity " , and we may note that the spectral holes form and refill on a time scale which thus plays an important role in the phenomenon : it has been claimed { 20 } that " population pulsations ' are the primary source of the instability .
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