Example sentences of "we could not [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ George Bradley came up with this great idea of putting an accordion band together for a record and we could n't think of a name , ’ said Emerald chief George Doherty .
2 Well they might be a friendly , oh I do n't really know but er he 's so busy you see and he 's busy all kinds of day and night , now then , we asked him a while ago to be more careful when he was switching on the freezer units at night because they were waking people up , we asked him er a while ago if he 'd be more careful learning up at six o'clock in the morning because the chain and that we could n't sleep in the morning like , and all disturbing us all like that
3 Pity we could n't go for a romp round a canal is n't it ?
4 After going out manicuring she started spending Sunday afternoons in bed and we could n't stay in the house nor play on the doorstep for fear of disturbing her .
5 When all forty-eight of us were on the stage , we could n't kick in a straight line , so we danced in a semi-circle .
6 We could n't claim to be anything else ; we could n't speak for the families of Terry Waite or Brian Keenan .
7 " But we ca n't find four thousand in a week And , with things as they are , we could n't hope for a bank loan even if … "
8 Yeah well we , we could n't push for a new
9 If there were , for instance , a conceptual link between mental state and behaviour such that we could not conceive of the behaviour being present without the ( or some ) mental state , the argument from analogy would be unnecessary .
10 Usually the two pilots who are on night duty sleep in the ambulance but the driver and medical orderly who also sleep in it had worked up a terrific ‘ fug ’ — ‘ Imshi ’ Mason and I felt we could not cope with the smell of unwashed feet , etc. , so we dragged the two stretchers out . ’
11 Without their involvement we could not continue with an annual reunion mass .
12 However , we could not conclude from the equation that one molecule of hydrogen , H2 , collides with one molecule of bromine , Br2 , to produce two molecules of HBr .
13 We could not undress for a week in case of a submarine attack , and you all got a little cross , I remember .
14 We could not go for a walk that afternoon .
15 The carcass , unfortunately , was in quite an advanced state of decomposition by the time we got to it , so we could not look at the detailed histology ( cell structure ) of the internal organs or the central nervous system .
16 He added : ‘ I would be very sad if we could not come to an agreement with the tanker owners .
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