Example sentences of "we have [adv] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 erm if we ca n't satisfy him in terms of what we 've already submitted to the panel satisfy him in in terms of our actions .
2 Oh we we 've already spoken to the Archbishop
3 The Vicar of Bistre , the Rev Jason Kennett-Orpwood , said yesterday : ‘ We 've now written to the whole council , and so too have a lot of the parishioners , to ask it to reconsider .
4 We 've always referred to the diary as ‘ my grandfather 's log book ’ , ’ said Mr Heward , 65 , of Birchwood Road , Marton , Middlesbrough .
5 For soccer skills , we 've always looked to the Brazilians ; in cricket , the West Indies have been the power .
6 But we 've never listened to the answering machine .
7 One night — I think it was the night before Christmas Eve — we had just returned to the cottage after a hard day next door doing some of the ‘ few finishing-off jobs ’ Nigel had earlier specified .
8 From farms we had both come to the University and the world of ideas .
9 Having delivered the injured Bulgarian to safety we had then returned to the ascent , hoping to catch our party .
10 In the confusion , our film , which we had dutifully sent to the group 's London management as promised , got lent to the BBC .
11 We have frequently referred to the importance of world knowledge and social knowledge in the production and reception of discourse .
12 Indeed , we could not be there , since we have neither access to the classrooms where ‘ disorder ’ rules , nor if we had would social life reconstitute itself as it existed before the camera , tape recorders and people accountable as social scientists were upon the scene .
13 We have already pointed to the way in which stratification may well inhibit the full development of talent in a society as a result of inequality of opportunity , which inevitably means that a stratified society is not utilising its talent resources fully .
14 As for the to infinitive , we have already alluded to the impressions associated with its use after have + direct object with regard to ( 1a ) — ( 1b ) above .
15 We have already referred to the competition between agencies to attract and retain them .
16 We have already referred to the " bottom line " calculations made by people working alongside agency " temps " ; these were continually mentioned by users and suppliers of contract computer staff too .
17 We have already referred to the problems of co-ordination in organisations individuals and groups within the organisation need to identify with the objectives of the project .
18 We have already referred to the role of organic acids in chemical weathering , the anions of which may be important in the removal of metal cations from silicate minerals and in the dissolution of carbonates .
19 Between these calls to NEW , we link the variable we have just gotten to the previous one to form a dynamic data structure
20 Something had changed and we have tentatively come to the opinion that the problems at Brooks Brothers stem from misapprehensions on the part of its owner , a firm that ought to know better .
21 Bush ended his speech by returning to the Desert War theme and informing his audience that " We are still the freest nation on earth ; the kindest nation on earth ; the strongest nation on earth ; and we have always risen to the occasion .
22 Er we have now written to the Council about the excess traffic on Ringlow Park Road and Chapel Road caused er by erm the traffic calming measures which have been put on er to Hazelhurst Road .
23 We have constantly referred to the ‘ environment ’ , ‘ circumstances ’ or context in which language is used .
24 We have constantly stressed to the Kenyan Government the need to respect freedom of expression and the important outlets for legitimate dissent .
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