Example sentences of "we have [verb] [art] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then he kissed me , and for a moment I remembered a play we were in together , when we 'd done the same sort of kiss , starting with his hand under my chin and just our lips lightly together , and then developing into a full clinch ; but by the time we were deeply embraced I had forgotten the play and could think only that this was like coming home .
2 The change in net debt , er worth referring worth mentioning minus three point three million that much worse would have been significantly lower thirty five million or so lower if we 'd had the same year end exchange rate as we did in nineteen ninety one .
3 It appears we 've done the same thing with the brick and the flints .
4 ‘ He is my Uncle ; we 've shared the same house for twenty years and I wanted to be with him .
5 So we 've got a little time left .
6 We 've got a few injury problems now but I 'm hoping they 'll iron themselves out .
7 No , well , we 've got a few wine have n't you ?
8 Erm we 've got the same sort of issue with excess relief .
9 and dashed out and fitted it , complete waste of bloody time mind you cos er we 've got the own software back in now , well actually the latest releases of it , we were going back a release because er we were having trouble , but it turns out it 's not our problem external problem so , put three dot seven back in .
10 There 's another book here , which is th the book we 've had the most difficulty in selling .
11 Indeed , I wondered if we had attended the same event .
12 No , we have done the same thing as before with the only difference that we calculated the potential instead of the electric field .
13 We have seen the same thing happen when the bus industry was deregulated and this is based on hard facts . ’
14 We have seen the same thing happen when the bus industry was deregulated and this is based on hard facts .
15 ‘ Certainly , ’ Nicholas said , ‘ we have served the same master . ’
16 We have received a little help , but far too late .
17 The position on the particular issue to which the hon. Gentleman refers is that for some years now we have pursued the same policy that the money has been , in the formula applied , additional and is reflected in higher public spending plans , and that it is for the Commissioner to honour the pledge that we have had for years past .
18 We have had the same situation over the last two years with the Canadian squad .
19 We have used the same device to produce Guinness Draught Bitter in a can — our first non-stout product in the UK to bear the Guinness name .
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