Example sentences of "we have [noun] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ca n't we have porridge for a change ?
2 Paul this is Sunday , do we have post on a Sunday ?
3 We 've news from a knitting club in Canada — the New Toronto Knitting Club , which meets on the second Friday evening of each month at the Sewing and Knitting Circle , .
4 we had Roy and then we had Simon for a bit and then we decided because it was n't working altogether an Edinburgh person and a Glasgow person
5 We had lunch at a place called Bečov and … ’
6 We had rustlers round a year or two back .
7 Firstly we had Robbie for a teacher and he certainly was awkward .
8 ‘ We all used to talk about guaranteed prices and we had stability over a period of 50 years .
9 We had time for a couple of runs through and set up the tape recorders ( I took two in case of trouble ! ) and by 10 a.m. we were all standing in our place s — white skirts dazzling and hearts beating fast — waiting for the signal to start .
10 Arriving there at ll.3Oam we had time for a browse around before our Ploughman 's lunch , after which we watched a delightful display of flying owls .
11 Yesterday we had tea with a Rhodesia Front Senator who despises the Africans as ‘ savages ’ and blames the British for all Rhodesia 's ills .
12 In the afternoon we had tea in a house full of the most beautiful women .
13 Tuesday we had hell of a bang .
14 Luckily it turned out to be an isolated incident but we had nightmares about a recurrence .
15 So often , we have faith in a miracle , in the supernatural , rather than having faith in the Christ of the supernatural .
16 What we can now see is that for the first timefor a very long epriod we have inflation at a ver low level and the clear prospect of growth without inflationary difficulties .
17 Knowing that we have access to a source of light , we can learn to use it .
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