Example sentences of "we be not in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But we are not in favour of any policy that squeezes trade unionists out of the Party or of any policy that denies trade unionists a voice in Labour Party democracy .
2 There is headroom within the existing ceiling — for example , we are not in favour of financing an interventionist industrial policy or increased spending on the common agricultural policy .
3 No , what we 're saying is two things , firstly that we are not in favour of taxation for taxation 's sake
4 Er , and we are not in terms of any comparative statistics that are providing costs on management and support in any way a high spender vis a vis other local authorities , .
5 We 're not in favour of a right to roam on open country — if you have this it 'll override other rights .
6 We could only er er , in it 's not quite clear whether erm we 're in favour of sending people all the way down to London for their health care , but we 're not in favour of sending anywhere , anywhe where more local for the the erm , you know I , I 'm not quite sure what you want you know what what point the lady 's trying to get across there .
7 Now for all those reasons madame speaker , this these orders er er today are inadequate , too little , too late , we ca n't vote against them , much as the the member who preceded me seemed inclined to vote against them and I wish that he had the g er the guts of 'is cu the courage of his convictions er he should vote against them , er we on this side are far more responsible er than that because to vote against them er might be an indication that we 're as much in frau in favour of fraud as members on the other side of the house , er we 're not in favour of fraud , we welcome any progress to detection of fraud , even progress that we asked for five eight years ago when the relevant legislation was passed .
8 Though we 're not in agreement to what 's happened , we got to be very careful because you see what 's happened to the coal er dispute .
9 We were n't in love at all .
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