Example sentences of "she had been [v-ing] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs de Crespigny ( ‘ Nora Champion de Crespigny is my full name ’ ) wrote to the effect that she had been passing the lounge at the time , and was a witness , if not to the actual assault , then to Mrs Wilikins 's evident distress .
2 This point was developed in Traynor v Donovan [ 1978 ] CLY 2612 , where the court refused to make any reduction because the plaintiff 's injuries would have been just as severe , but of a different nature , if she had been wearing a seat belt .
3 Jessamyn lay flat on the contoured table as the Doc sliced away the facial bandages , still relaxed from the morph-plus shots she had been taking every day .
4 She had been fastening the buttons at the shoulder of Thomas 's elephant-patterned pyjamas , but all sense of co-ordination suddenly seemed to vanish and her fingers fumbled in vain .
5 It was then Gedanken realized that all along she had been hearing the voices of the beetles over a loudspeaker .
6 She had been enjoying the evening at the Ritzy club in Streatham , south-west London .
7 Her main interest was in the time course of memory formation , and she had been using a variety of drugs , including agents which disrupt entry of ions such as potassium into the cell , and also protein synthesis inhibitors , to dissect out a series of phases , which she described as short- , intermediate- and long-term memory .
8 I asked what she had been knitting in Pattern A before and she recalled that she had been using a pattern where she had used the ‘ enlarge ’ and had asked it to start on R8 .
9 Although he was horribly conscious of his filthy boots , he sought out the supervisor of the office cleaning company by which Mrs. Millings was employed , and explained that she was late only because she had been helping the police to investigate a river tragedy " like a good citizen " .
10 She had been watching the legion of black ants moving along the plain .
11 She had been watching the tumble-drier for ages and still her clothes were n't quite dry .
12 She had been dreading the question ever since its loss .
13 The reprieve had been so quick and sudden and she had been dreading the conversation so much …
14 Ever since she had realised that he was the new officer she had been dreading the moment they would have to actually start working together .
15 For the past two days she had been dreading the proximity this trip would involve , but gradually , as the car wound its way along the narrow mountain roads , she could feel herself beginning to relax .
16 She had been thinking a lot about the conversation she and Leila had had back at Lazar 's , the talk of sky cities and escape .
17 She had been descending the stairs when she 'd slipped and had fallen down numerous steps .
18 Mrs Taylor said she had been urging the Government for months to make public a report by Mr Ponsford confirming the morale problems .
19 She had been trying the apartment since seven o'clock .
20 19 October 1799 ; off the southern tip of the Isle of Weight she had been escorting a convoy of merchant ships through the English Channel until , in comparative safety , the convoy dispersed to their destinations .
21 She had been reading a lot of self-help books and this was her conclusion .
22 She had been expecting a visit from Rick Lawrence ; if Lou 's predictions were correct she would have changed from her working clothes into something more alluring and put on fresh make-up and perfume to receive him .
23 She had been expecting a lift which failed to materialise , defending solicitor Mark Blundell told the court .
24 She had been expecting the news , because of her privileged position in the ‘ Petticoat Mafia ’ but it none-the-less visibly upset her .
25 She had been expecting the pool to be almost empty at that time of day and was surprised to see that there were about a dozen or so people in the water .
26 All their married life she had been living a lie .
27 Charles was relieved that the information put her in the clear ; she had been telling the truth .
28 It was as if she had been playing a part with all her might for several months , but it had sapped her energy .
29 She had been letting the house to my father and mother , but they had now died also , and the whole property was to be sold : the house , yard , outbuildings , flower garden , kitchen garden , and a small meadow .
30 She had been working every day for over a month , and had not received a penny for her labour .
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