Example sentences of "she had [vb pp] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After her swim she had sprawled in the hot sun to dry off naturally then dressed and lazily explored the lovely Mediterranean gardens .
2 In all her short life Sally-Anne had never before encountered the squalor which she had seen in the few days since she had arrived in these poor streets in the hinterland between London Docks and Stepney .
3 She had lived in the lovely old building for twenty years and never had any desire to leave it or the grounds .
4 Eva used much of her material supplementing it as time went by with quotations she had discovered in the local library and the library at the ICO .
5 Theda 's hands rubbed furiously at one of the posts of the bed in the second of the chambers she had tackled in the last unnumbered days .
6 They hoped that the dynamic forces released by socialism would generate new wealth , enabling Britain to stride the world once more in a continuing and -equal partnership with the United States , rather than as the American satellite which she had become in the latter phases of the Second World War .
7 Molly spoke with quiet confidence as though she had become in the few hours since their arrival the owner of ‘ La Felicità ’ and the organizer of life in the house .
8 Once more she saw the attractive man she had noticed in the High Street , and her colour rose as she recalled how she had hoped to meet him some day .
9 She had swooned in the main hall and had needed to be helped to the headmaster 's office and given water to drink and a damp cloth to cool her brow .
10 After lunch , Juliet , looking peaky and feeling grim , as she had done in the early months of her previous pregnancy , went upstairs to lie down .
11 Now Robyn threw herself into her work , staying up late into the night , as she had done in the early days of setting up her business , working with feverish persistence to complete a design .
12 Harvey was , she had read in the Daily Mail , ‘ Cabinet material ’ .
13 Having seen Mr Jeffreys and diagnosed an acute and fairly painful dose of tonsillitis , she had intended going straight back to her cabin , instead of which , without even being aware of it , she had walked in the opposite direction .
14 One afternoon she had lurked in the medical bookshop at the top of Gower Street and looked at glowing colour plates of carcinomas .
15 I interviewed the student after she had worked in the residential unit for one year .
16 Remembering the struggles she had had in the early days of her married life to avoid putting weight on her waist and hips , she laughed .
17 Of course it had belonged among those unhappy mad thoughts which she had had in the last days .
18 The moment it was free of debt they dissolved the partnership and replaced it by the limited-liability company she had suggested in the first place .
19 Sure , she had indulged in the occasional uncharitable observation that his affection for the child was no more than a front .
20 She also told me she had identified in the recently-arrived Assistant Director of Studies at the British Council/ Institute , Steve Jenkinson , a likely collaborator .
21 She had taken in the grey dress so that it hugged her thin body more closely , but that was her sole concession to fashion .
22 For several days after his death she had lain in the sagging double bed with a bolster by her side to stop her rolling into the hollow created by Nahum 's bulk , unaware that he would never again make the springs protest at his weight .
23 Just as everyone took it for granted that the young Scot was on the point of fulfilling the potential she had shown in the amateur game , so she stopped in her tracks .
24 Shortly after midnight we would answer the phone to hear Helen in her Hampstead drawing room leading a massed choir of bemused MPs , writers and journalists whom she had coached in the proper rendering of ‘ A guid new year tae een an ’ a' . '
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