Example sentences of "she was [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe they thought she was just exploring the area within the walls .
2 She was just using the fact that I was desperate to hold me up for an outrageously high fee .
3 Her manner said that this was a thing of great indifference to her , but that she was just setting the record straight .
4 She was just crossing the square , and wondering where in her portmanteau she had placed her woollen shawl , when she became aware of footsteps that were not her own .
5 She was just lighting the gas on the tiny ring when the knocker on the front door sounded a veritable tattoo .
6 She was also cursing the stupidity that had made her accept — even by default — a dinner date with a man so obviously well-heeled without considering the depleted state of her wardrobe .
7 She was also to have the preferment in buying all " precious stones or pearl " to be found in the working of these mines .
8 FIRE ( a dead end ; she was simply recalling the sign , not the occasion .
9 At the time I conjectured — and she said doubtfully that I might be right — that she was thus exorcizing the spirit of ‘ ferocity , brutality , violence ’ , which had tempted her artist in A Wreath of Roses away from her true world , and made her fearful of being ‘ ladylike , nostalgic , governessy ’ .
10 When she reached a certain point it bent sharply and excitingly down , and she was soon enjoying the sensation of going up and down on a galloping pony .
11 She was later to become the council 's vice-chairman .
12 Jane noticed that it was fairly sheltered — she was already imagining the winter .
13 She was already crossing the room when she smacked her forehead .
14 She was already crossing the room to the nearest of the french windows , moving with an urgency that she did n't seem prepared to explain .
15 After having her breast removed , she was then told the malignancy had spread to the lymph nodes under her arm .
16 Within four weeks of filming her final episode and saying goodbye to her friends at Grundy , Kylie was based in London where she was now enjoying the sort of stardom attention reserved for Madonna and Michael Jackson .
17 She was now feeling the ground underneath her back .
18 She went on industriously compressing and releasing , but now she felt the breath of life responding to her touch , following the pressure of her hands in and out , lifting the body under her , until she was only orchestrating the performance , and signalling its progression by the measured touch of her palms and undulation of her body .
19 He asked her to go into the fo'c's'le and as soon as she was inside closed the hatch and said that she could come out when she was ready to apologise .
20 She was still clutching the shoe-parcel , as well as the flags .
21 Lucy looked down and realised that she was still carrying the switchblade .
22 She was still digesting the resentment with which his concluding confession was coloured and the mockery lacing his final endearment as Luke reached for her .
23 And happened , opened the door any wider , cos she was still strapping the child in .
24 She realised she was still gripping the stone , and dropped it with a little horrified cry .
25 Bernice 's mind was suddenly filled with a vivid memory : she was almost reliving the moment when she and the Doctor had been discussing the difficulty of tampering with the TARDIS .
26 He was , to her amazement , remarkably patient with her efforts , and she found she was actually enjoying the lesson , relishing the challenge of making her body work with the skis instead of against them .
27 Susan was initially upset about not being allowed to have a nappy but mother 's persistence and confidence was quickly communicated to Susan and within three days she was happily using the lavatory to pass a motion .
28 It must be remembered that W. was not refusing all medical treatment — she was merely expressing the view that she wished to remain at Dr. M. 's clinic .
29 Helen had confessed at lunch that she would sooner have been three behind than three in front — and when news came , after the first 10 holes of the fourth round , that she had fallen one to the rear of the Australian , one had the feeling that she was merely paving the way for a last-minute attack .
30 But she was merely changing the venue .
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