Example sentences of "she was [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She was absorbed in the feminine ritual of drying her hair , as though there were no danger in their situation , as though she had not a care in the world .
2 ‘ Sure , her … last I heard , she was living in the old family house in Illinois .
3 She helped some bairns when she was living in the Australian outback .
4 It was true that she worried more about her mother now she was living near by than she had when she was living in the Tuscan hills , but that might only be because of the possibility that she would call without warning .
5 ‘ It is no longer correct to say ‘ the height of fashion ’ ’ … rather ‘ she was dressed in the full breadth of fashion ’ ’ . '
6 A referral was received concerning an elderly woman who knew that residential care would be necessary at a future point ; she was assessed in the normal way , and placed on the waiting list .
7 She was singing in the Red Lion .
8 Sally Gunnell will also go to Crystal Palace with an opportunity to earn the equivalent women 's title and same bumper pay-day but her chances look more bleak after she was beaten in the one-lap hurdles for the first time in a year by her US rival Sandra Farmer-Patrick .
9 For the first time in several years Eva found herself taking stock of her own life , realising it fell far short of the wonder and beauty of the life of Christ , and recognising she was heading in the wrong direction .
10 Diktynna 's name links her with Mount Dikte , and she was portrayed in the classical period as a mountain mother .
11 She was sweating in the hot colour of the room .
12 She was going in the opposite direction this time .
13 With Luke 's cheek against her hair , his arms a protective band , his thighs moving against her own , she was bathed in the potent sensuality of his closeness .
14 When we got there she was lying in the front room .
15 She was woken in the early hours by a hand pulling back the bedclothes , and a cold body plonking down beside her .
16 While she was standing in the grubby little shop , this incongruous memory had flashed into her head at the sight of her face .
17 She was telephoned in the early hours of the morning about stories in newspapers and yet dare not take the communal telephone off the hook in case any of their families became ill during the night .
18 She was caught in the seducing current , and she could not break free .
19 When Kāli came back with the cows only minutes later , she was caught in the full force of the downpour .
20 She was trapped in the middle lane , there was a solid wall of lorries to her left , and to her right a blur of fast cars .
21 She was passed in the closing stages of the race , having led throughout the 5,000-metre event .
22 Two candles would be wasteful but the small stitches she was making in the soft leather swam before her eyes in the poor light .
23 Running quickly downstairs , she was waiting in the black and white tiled entrance hall long before the doorbell rang .
24 She was waiting in the outside lane of a busy road in St Helens to turn right when the accident happened .
25 To his surprise she was waiting in the large hall , wearing a mink-lined raincoat open at the front .
26 She was buried in the new cemetery two miles away at Kensal Green , and Edward 's remains were moved to be with her .
27 She was buried in the local churchyard .
28 Bhutto , who lost one of the seats she was contesting in the north-western city of Peshawar , alleged on Oct. 25 that there had been " massive fraud across the country " .
29 She was sitting in the main client 's chair wearing a dark brown suit with a faint orange check and clutching a huge floppy handbag in her lap .
30 She was sitting in the relative sanctuary of Guy 's iron-grey Aston Martin as they negotiated heavy traffic across London .
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