Example sentences of "she turn her [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Nao Naomi realizes there 's no point talking about it now , the dye has been cast the decision has been made , the commitment has been entered into , whatever the cost she was going gods way , there was nothing more to be said about it we find that a de a decision made before god and we all make those decisions , means nothing at all unless were determined to carry it through , whatever the cost may be , three women here make their decisions before god , they make their choices , Naomi she chooses to return to Judah once again and enjoy the inheritance god has given her , Auper she chooses to return to her own country and her own god , as far as were concerned that 's the end of the story , but Ruth she chooses , she expresses her faith in the one true god , she turns her back on the old ways and decides to follow gods way , no matter what the cost , she would of said with Joshua , but as for me and my husband were gon na serve god , whatever the cost , I du n no what 'll be and she did n't know what she was letting herself in for , and the , I counted it , although I do n't know what it is , I counted that cost , I 'm willing to pay it and Jesus said that that is the acid test of disciples , said to count the cost and weigh it up and Ruth had done that , then to make their decision and because if we make a decision without counting the cost , without weighing it all up , like Auper you 'll go back , it wo n't last , there is that choice for every one of us day by day , who will we serve , not to be like Joshua , its for us , never for any body else , I will serve the lord because and this is the reason for it , not because you 've done nice things for me , I will be your saviour because he is god , that 's the reason for our serving god , not because he blesses us because he blesses people who do n't serve him , blessing is not exclusive to gods people , blessing , god blesses across the board , god is generous he 's gracious , he causes the rain and the sun to shine on the just and on the unjust , blessing is not the ground for serving god , but because he is god that 's sufficient reason for our committing ourselves to him .
2 In penance she turned her head towards the open window , searching the small groups of people who ambled along the path for a familiar face .
3 She turned her head towards the servant who had just hurried to let him in to the audience-chamber , and put out an imperious hand to arrest his attention .
4 Languidly she turned her head to the west-facing windows , staring out at the neighbouring mountain high above the hill upon which Saracen was built .
5 She turned her head on the pillow and smiled at Emmie .
6 She turned her head on the pillow , so he could not properly see her face , only the Greuze-like line of her cheek .
7 She turned her head on the pillow and looked around .
8 She turned her head in the direction of the alto : a young woman with light hair and the face of an angel .
9 She turned her back to the girl .
10 She turned her back on the street and descended into the underground station .
11 She turned her back on the endless waves .
12 She turned her back on the squabbling creatures and crept off along the footpath .
13 When the order came she reached down to help an older woman to her feet and passed her the well-wrapped bundle , then she turned her back on the men and was swallowed by the mass of female prisoners .
14 Then , gathering herself together , she turned her back on the mystery , and started home .
15 ‘ When she left the Island , she turned her back on the family and we 've never heard from her since .
16 She turned her back on the light and opened the door on to the smaller staircase .
17 Shaking , she turned her back on the sea , stared hectically into her darkened bedroom .
18 Pride in her soared up then and she turned her back on the phone .
19 She turned her face to the fire , gripped her hands upon her elbows , and drew her thin shoulders together in a shrug .
20 She turned her face to the light , and silently , incoherently , not knowing which deity she addressed , she thanked the gods , who had been so kind to her , and to the husband she loved so much .
21 And she turned her face to the pillow and sobbed .
22 She turned her face to the window and was rewarded by a view of the sea in the distance .
23 She snuggled down beneath the duvet , desperately trying not to think that just a short while ago it had been wrapped round his powerful body , but as she turned her face into the pillow she was all but overwhelmed by the scent of him — a clean , heady , masculine smell that owed nothing to any kind of artificial fragrance .
24 She turned her face into the pillow , still trembling with the force of the passion he 'd unleashed , then left unquenched .
25 Emotion welled up inside her , and with a strangled exclamation she turned her face into the pillow and wept , great shuddering sobs which hurt her chest .
26 Because feeling grateful towards Rachel made her uncomfortable , she turned her attention to the other guests , a couple of solid neighbours whose grandchildren played in Kensington Gardens with Maggie during the holiday visits .
27 Then she turned her attention to the tabby cat still spreadeagled on the back of the broom with its eyes screwed tightly shut and its claws gripping on for dear life .
28 In 1860 she turned her attention to the condition of male agricultural workers in the village of Barnwell , near Cambridge .
29 She turned her attention to the starpod .
30 Leaving everything more or less as it had been and closing the drawer , she turned her attention to the rest of the room .
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