Example sentences of "she give [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She gives a wide variety of definitions : ‘ feeble-minded ’ , ‘ educable defective ’ , ‘ educationally sub-normal ’ , ‘ those having moderate learning difficulties ’ , ‘ dull and backward ’ , ‘ remedial ’ , and ‘ maladjusted and disruptive ’ .
2 Instead , now she gives a visual expression to Enya 's achingly lonely melodies , songs of prayers , dreams and longings echoing a child 's spiritual innocence .
3 In her column , which she used almost as a diary , she gives a charming account of the early encounters .
4 In a crowded restaurant she gives a little scream at the plate which some overworked waitress has set before her and says , ‘ Oh , that 's far , far too much !
5 She gives a wistful version of the title song , but her Irma is more EastEnders than Montmatre .
6 Theda 's lips whitened , but she gave no other sign of the distress this label caused her .
7 She gave no outward signs of her problems when she went on a walkabout .
8 She gave a separate sheet of paper to each ship , and on it , in neat , small writing , she had listed every voyage , with any intermediate ports of call , over the past twelve months .
9 She walked slowly back to Bishopstow House , her eyes on the verge , her thoughts entirely preoccupied , so that when she found Michael Swinton on horseback in the gateway , motionless and watching her , she gave a genuine start of surprise .
10 She gave a final stir to the enormous pot .
11 She gave a tiny giggle as a little dollop of cream adhered to the tip of her nose ; she removed it with one finger , licked the pinky , then wiped her nose with her napkin , glancing round the restaurant through the confusing topography of slats and uprights of the seats and screens , apparently worried that this minor lapse in hand-mouth coordination was being critically observed by any of the surrounding middle-class matrons , perhaps with a view to passing on the scandalous morsel to their opposite numbers in Gallanach and having mother black-balled from the local bridge club .
12 4472 Flying Scotsman was the steam locomotive hauling the train and she gave a superb performance over the Settle and Carlisle line .
13 They went out quietly and she gave a long sigh of relief .
14 As his car went away she gave a great sigh of relief and Marguerite shot her an amused glance .
15 She gave a great gasp of anguished amazement at the sight of the drowned rat of a boy standing before her , the rain pouring off his sodden hair to run in rivulets down his pale face .
16 She gave a low moan of despair as Bull O'Malley spoke .
17 Then she gave a low cry of astonishment , for this was the dark young man she had cannoned into on the parade at St Petrock 's , on that momentous Christmas Eve .
18 She gave a low growl of frustration .
19 She gave a sly grin at this .
20 She gave a helpless gesture with one hand .
21 She gave a smothered yelp of dismay .
22 She gave a cool glance in return , cautiously pleased that so far she had betrayed nothing of her reaction at standing so close to him .
23 She gave a tentative tug at her hand .
24 Climbing quickly behind the wheel , she gave a hasty wave before driving off .
25 ‘ We showed her that videofit you issued , she said it was him , and she gave a good description of the lorry .
26 She gave a pleased smile at Sabine 's delighted acceptance , and disappeared purposefully back to the farm .
27 She gave a soft sigh of contentment .
28 She was too busy holding her aching face and she gave a soft murmur of pain as she drew her dressing-gown closely around her .
29 But midges — ’ and she gave a shudder-'this August in Scotland .
30 She gave a husky exhalation of breath , and a second later he had bent his head to press his hot mouth against the swell of her breasts .
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