Example sentences of "she see [prep] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Owing to what she sees as a lack of gratitude , she threatens to refuse to continue with the caring tasks .
2 She is impatient with politics , and with what she sees as the marginalism of the Greens .
3 In highlighting what she sees as the essence of the characters , Ms Meckler often misses their comic contradictions and ambiguities .
4 Even Baumrind ( 1982 ) , supporting Gilligan 's different voice hypothesis against what she sees as the traditionalism of the psychology of androgyny , holds on to the traditional framework of Jungian psychology in order to do this , and later ( 1986 ) , reinterprets the hypothesis in a humanist and spiritual framework , which is not differentiated by gender .
5 During the case of the nine children who were taken into care in February 1991 , one long-standing member of the Panel resigned because of what she saw as the deterioration in the Children 's Panel Hearing system in Orkney since the suspension of Mrs Kemp .
6 She saw to the side of one of the houses the faded sign for Morgan and family , boot and shoemakers , fastened over what appeared to be little better than a shed .
7 She dimly saw Aunt Emily by the fire and the silver tea service winked on a table beside her , and there , in front of the fire , standing there as comfortably as if it were his own fire , she saw with no surprise at all , that it was Michael Swinton .
8 When she arrived at the bus station she saw on the wall behind her bold , splashy writing in foreign characters , Arabic maybe or Urdu , and small , disordered scribbles around the glass faces of the timetables , which , although an irritation , caused Rita no real pain .
9 She stared at him a moment , her eyes narrowed slightly , as if she saw through the flesh to the bone itself , and while he met her staring eyes unflinchingly , something in the depths of him squirmed and tried to break away .
10 She saw by the look on his face that he was half afraid of her .
11 It was a quarter past five , she saw from the clock on Bank Station .
12 Ruth did not have to finish what she had begun to say ; she saw from the look in their eyes that they understood her .
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