Example sentences of "she take [pron] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When she takes him into the living-room there is a kind of roar , and a man emerges from the background of people and easy chairs , and advances upon Howard , his arms outstretched , his deep , dark eyes raking back and forth over Howard 's face , soaking it in with eager amazement .
2 Like when we go to the laundrette , or she takes me to the swimming baths to have a hot shower .
3 Before waiting for an answer she takes me by the hand and leads me on to the dance floor .
4 She takes me by the hand , but stops , and kisses Bob straight on the lips .
5 Then she took something from the pocket of her one-piece .
6 She took them off the minute she entered her apartment block , realising that since no one at Vasey 's had seen her without her glasses they had no need to question why she was wearing them now .
7 When she was free she took him into the office and sank into a chair as though exhausted .
8 She took him into the living-room and made him sit in the black leather armchair .
9 She took him to the Science Museum and gave him an encyclopaedia , which explained how the internal combustion engine worked — ‘ I was intrigued immensely ’ .
10 She took him by the hands and said eagerly , ‘ Don — we could live here — it is right for us — would you like that , Don ? ’
11 She took him by the arm and led him unresistingly into the house .
12 Seeing that Owen was having difficulties in getting used to the idea , she took him by the hand and pulled him down beside her on the divan .
13 Kathy Rooney had to leave me one night when we were dining at the Kensington Hilton , so she took me to the porter to arrange for him to take me upstairs to my room when I was ready .
14 Then she took me to the centre by saying that she had asked my husband and had given permission .
15 In the morning she took me to the station , with my luggage including the cot , put me on the train , and said ‘ Goodbye . ’
16 She ran out and tried to send me away but I pretended Sabine was expecting me , so she took me to the studio .
17 She took me into the first-floor front room , where my father had already been laid out in his coffin .
18 She took me into the nurses ' changing-room .
19 She took her by the shoulders and turned her round to face the house .
20 She took it up the stairs herself , adding another two minutes to the delay because she had to pause and rest half-way up .
21 She took it into the sitting-room where the dictionaries were kept and did her best to translate : It is excellent news that the whole business has been done successfully .
22 Confronted with Donna 's exuberant wardrobe , she realized there were only two courses open to her : either she took it on the chin ( ‘ straight spine , old girl , ’ ) , or she slunk away and refused to answer the phone when Donna called to see why she had n't been met .
23 The baby weighed less than one kilo , she took it to the clinic and a clinic worker helped her to a nearby hospital .
24 I can do is , Mary had a metal cow she milked it with a spanner , she took it to the market and sold it for a tanner .
25 Maureen was telling me today that erm he erm too , she took it to the garage and there was two bills laying on the table , one were for two hundred and sixty odd and were four hundred and seventy some odd
26 When she took it from the oven she was pleased with it , but later , placing it on the trestle table in the hall where refreshments were to be served , she saw that Sister Dew 's was higher .
27 She took it from the cupboard and as usual became engrossed in the other pages of the newspaper .
28 I remember when she took us to the pantomime in town , and we saved up all our sweets for three weeks to give her as a present .
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