Example sentences of "she would [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She would n't do it at the time , because she felt the whole issue ought to be allowed to settle down .
2 Having decided to surrender to his plans for the evening — lunch had been a light one and already the pangs of hunger were making themselves felt — she would n't do it without a token show of resistance .
3 ‘ Iris insisted she would n't leave you on your own , ’ said Jack .
4 She was stricken and missed him terribly , but she would n't show it in public .
5 Scared her a little too , though she would n't admit it to Albert .
6 She would n't tell him about her income , even when he was trying to fill in his tax forms .
7 She would n't swing it at all .
8 But she would n't take them from the tin until tomorrow .
9 In any case , how could she look into his eyes and convince him she would n't touch him with a ten-foot pole when every time he came within a few feet of her she quivered inside , remembering the fierce and all too brief pressure of his mouth on hers ?
10 She would n't touch you with asbestos gloves on . ’
11 She would n't trust her to the end of the street .
12 I mean she would n't get it for that cheap would she .
13 But she would n't like it to be gone .
14 She would n't put it past him but in the brilliant afternoon heat she was n't inclined to pursue the matter .
15 She would n't put it past him .
16 She would n't put it past fitzAlan to read her mind .
17 Frankly , she would n't put it past him !
18 She would n't put it past Harry Martin to have left someone watching her house , so what if she 'd been followed ?
19 The five minutes were almost up , and she would n't put it past Lori to leave if she was so much as a second late .
20 No she would n't believe it until she
21 Well , she would n't find him at home .
22 Well , there was one thing certain , she would n't find it in Spring Street .
23 They sprang into action when mum Angela Turner said she would not make it to Bishop Auckland hospital in time .
24 She has always been kindness itself to me , but I have a feeling in my bones that she would not regard me as a wholly reliable supporter .
25 As a patient , I would like to think that the presence of a doctor 's name on the list would also offer me some sort of guarantee that he or she would not subject me to unnecessary or unjustifiably harmful treatment — whether that treatment be labelled alternative or mainstream , labels that serve only to confuse the issue .
26 She would not do it at all .
27 She would not let him off the hook .
28 She would not put it past him to use force .
29 She would not touch him with a bargepole , she said , and never would have done .
30 Well , but the child had been good and she would not deprive her of saying to her friends on Monday ‘ I went to the fair ’ .
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