Example sentences of "she have [adv] been [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The foal is now an eight-year-old mare with a sweet disposition ; but then she has never been given a second chance to smell methylated spirits .
2 Shannon gave an involuntary little start as though someone had spoken the words aloud , then laughed self-consciously , realising she 'd simply been hearing the voice of a conscience that was inclined to be over-zealous in its insistence on honesty .
3 She 'd just been visiting a widow of an old army friend of Yury 's , who had a bad attack of flu .
4 For the past week she 'd literally been counting the days .
5 She glanced at her left hand as if she 'd forgotten the fact , and was instantly ashamed to find herself wishing she had n't been wearing the showy diamond solitaire .
6 One of the speakers , Dr Margaret Collinson , wrote to Roy on 17 September to the effect that she had n't been told the venue , date or time of her paper .
7 For some reason , although she had not been doing the cooking , this made Lydia feel like Lucretia Borgia .
8 She had already been given an operation for biliary atresia which is designed to unblock or bypass the blockage leaving scar tissue which is more likely to bleed .
9 She realised , wearily , almost too tired to care , that she had just been made the butt of a joke .
10 She had simply been given no encouragement to make the best of herself .
11 Instead , having been assured that Rick no longer had any violent feelings towards her , she earnestly pleaded that she had long been awaiting an opportunity to return it in person and apologise for causing so much distress .
12 It had all gone on Papa 's account , as Paul had brought the fact to her notice that she had never been paid a penny for all her years of work .
13 She had always been given the most unpleasant tasks to perform , punished when she rebelled , as often she did , growing up without knowledge of love or hearing the sound of a kind word .
14 For another it was learning French at evening classes when she had always been considered a complete duffer at languages .
15 She sent him a memo — the usual form of royal communication — but he replied negatively , arguing that it was n't possible as she had only been doing the job for a short time .
16 There were a few anxious moments , but as soon as I pulled on the glove she came straight at me , low and very fast indeed , much swifter of course than she could have done if she had still been carrying the equipment .
17 Yeah , she 's only been driving a year , two years .
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