Example sentences of "she [vb -s] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ran away with the blacksmith who beat her with his bellows if his dinner was n't ready on time , and now she lies buried underneath the spreading chestnut tree .
2 Much of the alleged wisdom that inheres in institutions and practice is part of what she has regarded as the flabby consensus that dragged the country down .
3 Strong political statements commenting on Ireland where she has lived for the past two years .
4 Anstey 's approach to this edition was initially intended to be thematic but she has reverted to the chronological format of the first edition , thus not only dispensing with the problems of placing the themes but also giving the reader a parallel in comment on Thomas 's development both in poetry and prose .
5 CLAIRE , as pale as the winter daybreak she will never see again , sits on her bed wheezing through the oxygen mask she has worn for the past three months .
6 Yet , to a greater extent than other mobilizers , say , Joseph Chamberlain or Lloyd George , she has operated within the established political institutions of Parliament and party .
7 Some might say it presents an idealistic picture of family life ; others that it is a reactionary attempt to turn the clock back on the women 's movement ; yet others might argue that she has gone beyond the available evidence in concluding , or at least implying , that delinquency might result from early day-care experiences .
8 It is obviously a very exciting project for us though , and it will allow Kylie to show just how much she has developed over the past three years .
9 When she tells us that she left for work , we assume that she has dressed for the outside world .
10 In Kahlo 's painting , the figure falls from the fantasy world she has inhabited to the harsh bloodspattered reality of the street , literally coming down to earth .
11 She stands as the martyr of organized and systematic sexual wrong-doing on the part of the man who should be her mate , and whom alone she has evolved to the human plane .
12 At this stage , perhaps because she is unfamiliar with how the words look , she has substituted for the correct letters something which sounds all right but is inaccurate .
13 Originally from Belfast , she has worked in the Danish capital for four years .
14 The insolvency department has moved to Southampton based Lyon Pilcher , the Salisbury office is closing down with the loss of four jobs , and Gaynor Harris is back where she started with the Southampton practice ( to be known as Hook Harris ) which she has bought from the old partnership with Charles Bullworthy , with money borrowed from family and friends .
15 The eyes of his beloved wife , are tear-reddened ( sic ) and she has come to the awful realisation of a gap in her waning life which will never be filled .
16 She has come from the cool north . ’
17 She feels soothed in the familiar Norfolk darkness …
18 I forgot to put the change in the , get it in , she 's moved to the other
19 She 's fallen , she 's fallen for the grey woman .
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