Example sentences of "she [vb mod] [verb] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , for the prisoner , the CAB adviser is often the only non-establishment source of support and contact that he or she may have with the outside world .
2 To her mind , Lucy looked like she could do with a huge warm hug .
3 Herta sometimes looks as though she could do with the odd impotent interlude .
4 She could do with the extra money . ’
5 She had been reluctant to put it away , wishing she had no other commitments so that she could continue with the next chapter and looking forward to getting down to work again the following morning .
6 She had heard rhyming slang , she knew what four by twos meant , and she 'd once been asked if she could speak with a Jewish accent .
7 That she could deal with the philosophical and ideological issues related to women 's position in the family is evident from the poem ‘ Man the Monarch ’ in which she debunks the view that men 's sovereignty over women derives from Adam :
8 She felt guilty , but she could say with a clear conscience that her business was so demanding that she hardly had time to think of Northumberland although , in truth , as her successes and problems in Italy had increased , there seemed less and less reason to return to Nora .
9 I du n no but she could she could have with a special facility for
10 It was the duty of the medicine man of the line of Armijas to tutor the spirit warrior through the Seven Levels , to prepare her for the final battle , in which she would stand with the other spirit warriors — the Holy Woman From Across the Great Water , the Man With Music in His Heart , the Red-Handed One , the Yellowlegs Who Has Lost Much , the Great Father in White , the Man Who Rides Alone — against the army of the manitous and the story would end .
11 ‘ She will have well-ordered meals nicely presented , and for a short time she will mix with the other patients .
12 She will work with the Allied Screening Commission which is part of M.I.9 , and she will live with a charming couple , Signor and Signora Banterle .
13 She will work with the Allied Screening Commission which is part of M.I.9 , and she will live with a charming couple , Signor and Signora Banterle .
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