Example sentences of "she [vb past] it [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The inner ring itself could never quite understand her arrival there , and concluded finally that she made it through sheer cheek .
2 She made it with thirty seconds to spare .
3 She was going to put it in the china vase , only one of the stage hands had left his lighter there for safe keeping , so she stuffed it between two books on the top shelf .
4 He pushed the invitation over to her : she regarded it with mock distaste .
5 In fact , she dismissed it with one word — ‘ rubbish ’ — but we 'd just started the show when there was a loud bang .
6 Here is the modest parish church of St Mary : the date of its founding is obscure , but a panel over the porch records that the building was restored by Lady Anne Clifford in 1663 after she found it in ruinous condition .
7 She found it within five minutes .
8 Abruptness was her most familiar mode , and Liz sometimes fancied that she practised it with peculiar pleasure on Charles , whenever she got the chance : and Charles , accustomed to being listened to with reverence , took it in good part .
9 She filled it with sweet oils and bubbles , shrugged her clothes off , and got in .
10 Taking it out , she ripped it into tiny pieces then tossed the fragments into the bucket that still stood on the dresser like some awful avant-garde ornament .
11 She spent it on other things .
12 She flooded it with electric light .
13 She watched it with mild curiosity ; it seemed to have a life of its own .
14 She swallowed it in one gulp and started to cough .
15 It had hardened slightly and she moistened it with icy water , kneading it until it shed a film of white liquid .
16 she took it on six year , he says seven to eighty so she looks like working for next six year
17 Mrs Browning handed her Ellen 's missive as though it were hardly fit to handle and she took it with equal reluctance .
18 She took it in both hands .
19 She had not yet even recognised what it was , but she knew it for better worth than she had ever yet been given .
20 She put it to one side , and opened the folder of photographs .
21 Out of the corner of her mouth — and she did it with great flair — Sorrel said :
22 Like the prophets of the Old Testament , she was compelled to reprove sinners , especially those in high places , such as the Archbishop of Canterbury ; and , like the prophets , she did it with immense tactlessness .
23 She did it by careful eating and taking more exercise and , whatever anyone else tries to tell you , that is the only way to be sure of losing weight .
24 She gave a tiny giggle as a little dollop of cream adhered to the tip of her nose ; she removed it with one finger , licked the pinky , then wiped her nose with her napkin , glancing round the restaurant through the confusing topography of slats and uprights of the seats and screens , apparently worried that this minor lapse in hand-mouth coordination was being critically observed by any of the surrounding middle-class matrons , perhaps with a view to passing on the scandalous morsel to their opposite numbers in Gallanach and having mother black-balled from the local bridge club .
25 She had it from another member of the family .
26 She drank it at one gulp .
27 And she said it with such pride and such display that Clara did not feel at all obliged to conceal the amazement and delight that she felt , as she might , if confronted with a more worldly modesty , have done : for Clelia 's manner declared , this is singular this is beautiful , this may legitimately amaze , you betray no innocence in admiring this .
28 ‘ You 're such a stick sometimes , ’ Mandy said , but she said it with easy affection .
29 She hated it , and hated him , but she was no longer resisting him , so she accepted it in aching silence , desire overwhelming pride at last .
30 She remodelled it with careful fingers , then held it close to the flame .
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