Example sentences of "she [vb past] his [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nicolo whispered her name against her mouth , and , without knowing she was doing it , she whispered his name in return , parting her lips , opening them to his .
2 Colour flared in her cheeks , but she met his gaze with equanimity .
3 She met his gaze with disapproval .
4 But gradually , as she registered his lack of response , she sobered , her eyes growing wary again .
5 She ignored his tone of voice and agreed with him .
6 Quickly she rejected his overture of comfort .
7 Hawk was gentle , and she sensed his feeling of loss was even greater than hers .
8 She heard his sigh of impatience , and squeezed past the speaker , groping her way through the darkness to his side .
9 She reconsidered his offer of help and reluctantly decided she might just have to accept it .
10 With Sycorax on her back , Ariel dropped on to her haunches and took up her baby and tied him in a cloth to her breast ; she rubbed his mouth with soursop juice to keep him dry so that he would not howl with discomfort to be changed ( she packed soft moss against his bottom , just to be sure ) ; then she took a basket of her herbs and preparations and whistled softly to Paca , the last of her caveys , to follow .
11 She took his put-down without rancour , allowing her gaze to drift over the paperwork scattered in separate clumps of disorder at intervals along the work-bench .
12 She took his wrist between thumb and forefinger , and held his hand up between them as if gripping a putrid fish by the tail .
13 She understood his need for sport , because she too enjoyed exercise ; what she did not understand was his need to punish himself with such dangerous activities .
14 She remembered his tetchiness with shop assistants , which presumably had been simulated .
15 She accepted his warning without comment , but she took it to heart .
16 She accepted his gesture of courtesy , the touch of his hand sending an unexpected thrill shooting through her system .
17 She accepted his diagnosis without comment , following him back , content to sit beside him as they continued on their way through the pleasant countryside .
18 He was no longer scanning her , after his ordinary greeting , and she plumbed his manner for significance , without success .
19 She eyed his profile in silence for a moment .
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