Example sentences of "she [vb past] [adv prt] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She squelched along in the muddy ruts left by the cattle , avoiding other more unpleasant tokens of their passage .
2 With a winning smile at a rather bemused young man , she dragged him up to dance , and every time she saw Feargal she made off in the opposite direction .
3 Wish all over home she fired back in the rapid , unpunctuated shorthand of spelling and sign , blinking through the thick lenses of her glasses .
4 She curled up in the darkest corner , pillowing her head on her arm , and clung to the memory of four hours before , when the time had stilled and she had been not , sweet tearing bliss … .
5 ‘ It means of course , ’ she went on in the same level tone , ‘ that you will not be free to make a decision until your uncle dies .
6 She lay back in the musty smelling chair , at peace with the world , and allowed the late April sun to envelop her .
7 She grew up in the African bush , and came to love the many wild animals as well as the domestic animals on her father 's farm .
8 As she slopped about in the cooling water , Jess pondered over this peculiarity .
9 Swiftly and almost silently she ran along in the darker shadows beneath the gable to the granary and from there to the dovecot .
10 Every male from the neighbouring estancias , except Luke , who was off moving the cattle , seemed to be gathered round the paddock to watch her as she set off in the milky , misty morning light towards a row of poplar trees .
11 After a moment , she sat up in the cluttered bed and regarded him in mock annoyance .
12 Her pulse rate had slowed to somewhere near normal ; she sat back in the creaking wooden chair in a deliberate effort to appear relaxed , and returned his smile .
13 She sat back in the white plastic chair , fanning herself with her napkin .
14 ‘ You promise ? ’ mother said , a slight stitching of her brows as she sat back in the ladder-backed seat the only indication that she might not entirely believe me .
15 She sat back in the large , embracing armchair and took another mouthful of the splendid Spanish omelette .
16 She sat down in the one comfortable chair ; it had come from their housekeeper 's room , and had found its way to Billy 's kitchen , like the strip of Turkey carpet with the hole in the middle .
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