Example sentences of "she [vb past] [adv prt] [art] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The attacker grabbed the child after she she got off a bus alone and told her : ‘ I 'm going to kill you . ’
2 Without thinking she snatched up the phone again and quickly tapped out the apartment number .
3 She found out a week back ! "
4 She looked up and saw that the lights had changed to green and as the car behind her sounded its horn she let out the clutch too quickly and the car lurched forward .
5 But when she heard her children were being maltreated she came back a year later and fought to have them returned to her .
6 Then she asked the ‘ patient ’ to hold the other end while she measured out the length again , mumbling a strange , unintelligible gibberish all the while .
7 She turned down the heat quicKly but some of the fat had splashed on to the flames and the blue smoke increased in density .
8 She raced down the slope as fast as she could go .
9 She pulled back the sleeve gently .
10 She scrambled down the tree as fast as she could .
11 She had spent thousands of pounds refurbishing the pub which she took over a year ago .
12 Hardly able to see a hand in front of her , but refusing to be daunted , Luce moved as fast as she dared down an alley-way little more than a metre wide .
13 She put down the receiver again .
14 The engaged tone bleeping in Robyn 's ear confirmed the good sense of this judgement , but she put down the receiver reluctantly .
15 She put down the receiver abruptly and went into the kitchen .
16 Lesley had begun to gather up the remaining cups , but at the mention of Charlotte 's name she put down the tray abruptly , and turned with a startled smile .
17 ‘ You know she carried on the business alone when her father died , got guts has that girl . ’
18 Leaving this area of the house behind her , she ran down the passage as far as the open pantry door .
19 Instead she picked up the receiver again .
20 She picked up the receiver resignedly .
21 She picked up the receiver numbly .
22 She picked up the lanthorn again to get a clearer view , and what she saw deeply etched into his right shoulder burned into her mind as hot metal had burned into his flesh .
23 She wrapped up the mask politely although she heard the gong sound and knew she would be late for dinner .
24 Immediately she 'd sensed that this was wrong , that there was nothing for her in this office , and that she 'd be at risk if she stayed around a moment longer than was necessary .
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