Example sentences of "she [vb past] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She makes you see reason — she made me want to smile more and drink less .
2 She awoke to a cold , grey morning , feeling stiff and uncomfortable , and uttered a hollow groan as she realised she 'd fallen asleep in her clothes .
3 At a rural campaign stop in 1987 , she announced she wanted to address some distant onlookers .
4 Suddenly she realized she had loved these last few months .
5 And Dot had a sinking feeling because she realized she 'd known all along even though she had n't wanted to .
6 She found she had torn most of the mourning band away from her sleeve and there was nothing for it but to pull it off entirely .
7 However , once the youngest had started school she found she wanted to do much more .
8 Well I was trying to draw your attention , right she had pieces of pink paper right that was mi , and on the desk , on our side and on it it had a fe , erm it was she 'd she had received some er goods or something like that there , it was on a piece of pink paper and the signature on it was Houston !
9 She watched him check to make sure each man wore a woollen jersey under his wet suit , plus woollen socks and rubber-soled trainers on his feet .
10 However , in 1967 she decided she 'd had enough of the movies , although she did appear recently in Always , along with Richard Dreyfuss and Holly Hunter .
11 And er half heatedly she decided she ought , she could n't have any more children you know she 'd , I do n't think it was money so much that she thought she 'd got enough and somebody told her about this Slippery Elm , well you could get a Slippery Elm drink , you know you know these milky foods if you 've got a poor tummy , that that can , er she bought a tin of this Slippery Elm drink , and she drunk gallons of it and it was doing her good and she thought er she thought it would n't , she 'd gone wrong you see .
12 ‘ Oh , God , Hilly , yes ! ’ he laughed , and proceeded to demonstrate very ably that if she thought she had experienced all there was to experience she was sadly mistaken .
13 He was sitting in the deckchair Candy had vacated by the time she returned , and for a second she thought he had fallen asleep , his head tilted back against the wooden spar of the chair , his eyes closed , their long black lashes casting shadows on his cheeks .
14 When she thought he had had enough , she put him down , and he ran off without a word .
15 First of all Mum thought I was anorexic and then she thought I 'd got thyroid trouble .
16 She thought I had inherited all Miss Lockwood 's property .
17 She knew she had visited heavy housework upon herself because of her attitude .
18 She knew she had drunk more wine than was wise .
19 She knew she had seen this man not just in the fog , but in the Rockingham public house .
20 She knew she had gone scarlet and hoped he had n't noticed .
21 She knew she had to fight free now and she tried , but his grip on her merely tightened .
22 She knew he had killed one of her countrymen the previous evening , and she supposed he was now preparing himself for all the others he would fight .
23 Yeah , she looked a state but she looked she 's got two dogs and all her shoes have got rather attractive , as she says , V-shaped in the back of her shoe by these dogs and she comes in and she goes look !
24 She felt her anger grow colder , not hot , strengthening her resolve .
25 She felt her face go hot with embarrassment as he straightened up and gave her a piercing look that took in everything about her appearance .
26 The grey eyes skimmed over her until she felt her face turning red .
27 She felt her face grow warm , and immediately ridiculed her shyness .
28 He stared at her intently and she felt her face grow warm .
29 He paused , watching her , and for some indefinable reason she felt her face grow warm .
30 When she realized what she was doing and that those policemen might have seen her , she felt her face grow hot .
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