Example sentences of "she [vb past] [pron] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She sighed and relaxed and when his lips sought hers again she met them with matching urgency .
2 And more and more she met herself at this hour , too late to phone anyone , too weary to sleep .
3 The inner ring itself could never quite understand her arrival there , and concluded finally that she made it through sheer cheek .
4 She made it with thirty seconds to spare .
5 She was going to put it in the china vase , only one of the stage hands had left his lighter there for safe keeping , so she stuffed it between two books on the top shelf .
6 Rumours have suggested Susan Hill was given a million pounds for writing it , she says she got nothing like that amount .
7 She got herself in big trouble !
8 Without taking hold of me , she forced me to stand in one spot of my own will , while she whipped me on all sides .
9 ‘ Yes Dad , she asked me for some help . ’
10 Ah , but who , she asked herself with sudden foreboding , is going to cure you of Penry Meredith Vaughan ?
11 He was only halfway there when she passed him at full speed , shouting ‘ Slow coach ! ’ as she flew ahead .
12 There is no lasting acrimony between Gedge and Rigby and when they meet up he often jokes that she provided him with enough material to launch and sustain a musical career .
13 She helped him in other ways also — she was a chauffeuse on occasions , tended him when he was ill , and sometimes acted as a secretary .
14 She phoned him at all hours of the day and night , ranting sometimes , crying others .
15 He pushed the invitation over to her : she regarded it with mock distaste .
16 And now she caught him in another gesture , but a surreptitious one this time — the quick shooting of a cuff to glance at his watch .
17 In fact , she dismissed it with one word — ‘ rubbish ’ — but we 'd just started the show when there was a loud bang .
18 Then she tried 'em with new make-up On a sponsored run round Bacup , And at Norwich for a porridge Eating contest which she won .
19 And she scolded him for frightening children Adam , six , Louise , four , and two-year-old Carl .
20 Here is the modest parish church of St Mary : the date of its founding is obscure , but a panel over the porch records that the building was restored by Lady Anne Clifford in 1663 after she found it in ruinous condition .
21 She found it within five minutes .
22 Now the old problem arose again : she found herself in new places and she was more interested in exploring them thoroughly than she was in the chick , even though she was at flying weight .
23 After winning the Kathleen Ferrier Memorial Prize in 1964 , she found herself in great demand abroad as well as at home , and sang in the first performance of Handel 's Messiah in Israel .
24 She cast herself into heated ovens or boiling cauldrons , was immersed in the freezing waters of a mill-race in winter and hunted by a pack of dogs through thorny thickets .
25 She shrivelled him with one glance .
26 Dressed soberly in a long-sleeved , ankle-length tunic which , though cut loosely , came high up to her neck , she approached him with both hands extended in greeting .
27 She cradled herself in crossed arms .
28 She fixed him with anxious eyes .
29 The flat seemed cold and empty when she let herself in several hours later , and discovering a message from Kelly on the answering-machine brought no respite from the depression which had settled over her like a heavy black cloud .
30 Abruptness was her most familiar mode , and Liz sometimes fancied that she practised it with peculiar pleasure on Charles , whenever she got the chance : and Charles , accustomed to being listened to with reverence , took it in good part .
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