Example sentences of "she [vb past] [verb] [prep] her first " in BNC.

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1 That Saturday evening she joined the passeggiata , with her hair pulled flat against her skull to smooth its crinkles and bring out its sheen , and the gold medallion of the Madonna she had received for her first communion hanging bright against the new pale shawl she had crocheted herself .
2 Her ring at the doorbell was answered by the woman she had seen on her first visit — the one who had spoken a little English .
3 ‘ I do n't need , perhaps , to underline to you the temptation that faced Mr Stratton , himself a virtually penniless man , and a man who knew for such seems to be the case — that his wife had run through almost all of the considerable money she had inherited from her first husband . ’
4 She opened the door and was surprised to find him holding the jodhpurs she had worn during her first ride .
5 She led her downstairs along a corridor she had explored on her first day and indicated a door at the far end .
6 As she had learned on her first night there , Moorlake was noisy at night .
7 Ellie recovered her composure and understood perfectly well what Madame meant once she had tried on her first set of crepe de Chine camiknickers .
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