Example sentences of "she [modal v] [vb infin] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 She may have stayed in the school-hole with the children when the bell went .
2 She must have panicked in the dark . ’
3 Her owner rushed to bring her a bucket of oats before she should become entangled in the fence once again .
4 She 'll have to sit in the back .
5 Especially when the a woman is childbearing , she could kicked in a womb , she could get kicked in the !
6 But she was always there , with me , to protect me and sometimes she 'd get caught in the blast , ’ Bernard explains .
7 He introduced Billie to Jenny and saw her disappointment when the pilot explained she 'd have to sit in the back with the ferry tanks .
8 She could n't afford to stay in a boarding-house , no matter how cheap it might be , so she 'd have to stay in the cottage .
9 She was frustrated by the narrow range of vegetables available in the country and said that tomorrow she would go foraging in the fields for different types of mushrooms and wild herbs .
10 But Sam said he had a surprise to show her ; and Sarah , obviously put up to it by him , claimed she would prefer to sit in the shade on the terrace and do a water colour of the garden at La Gracieuse .
11 She tiptoed out , leaving Sally-Anne to fall into a light sleep — but not before she felt a little mean , as she would have said in the USA , about deceiving the good old lady — and Dr Neil Cochrane , of course .
12 If the birth of her child was to take place in London as had been arranged , then presumably for some weeks beforehand she would have to remain in the Harley Street flat , kicking her heels or at least suffering the kicks inside her , which she had greatly come to resent .
13 Once , she would not only have poured his coffee for him , she would have spooned in the sugar and stirred it for him , too .
14 However , when his mother , Adele Britton , tried to remove it , she realised she would have to call in the professionals .
15 I would have thought if she would have sat in the chair , I mean well she could n't go the week aha I do n't young enough yeah , about a month ago she just peed of somewhere and some , I do n't know , she 's alright , I said yes she 'll be alright , I said I 'm going to start cooking so she said I got to take these Heather , I said well they 'll travel better in there , your father said you know Jane he said if you 'd given her a hand
16 The back door was barred to her by the people she would have to pass in the kitchen .
17 Its breath fled outwards into snow-bright dawn and it spat Jezrael through when she would have stuck in the slit .
18 She would have basked in the reflected glory of their marriages ; she could have boasted of her sons-in-law for ever more .
19 If an individual works longer hours than he or she would wish to do in the absence of taxation , that involves a loss of welfare .
20 This will more than insure that she can continue to live in the style she 's enjoyed since her marriage .
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