Example sentences of "she [verb] a [adj] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 But the alternative of returning to the hall , and traversing its crowded sixty-foot length to gain the opposite staircase leading to the upper storey , where she shared a tiny chamber with Adele and two of Matilda 's ladies , was just as unappealing .
2 She made a defiant gesture with her hands .
3 ‘ When I left you last night you were positively down in the dumps ; today you 're — you 're … ’ she made a helpless gesture with her hands , searching for the right adjective ‘ … you 're sizzling !
4 She made a tiny note with a gold Swan pen on the note-pad on the table , " Manchester stock " .
5 She made a frantic gesture with the sharpened blades and at the same moment Rourke went into action .
6 She said nothing , but gazed at him with wide , terrified eyes , then almost involuntarily she made a small gesture with her hands to ward him off and he , taking it as a token of reciprocal feeling , stepped forward and took her in his arms .
7 She said the word Chepén several times , as though she was speaking to a particularly stupid servant , Tolambo , too , the Hacienda Tolambo , and at the same time she made a circling motion with her hand , ending up with her finger pointed at the road ahead and the jagged peaks of the cordillera disembodied in a ragged mist hole .
8 She produced a striking table with a black paper tablecloth , white plates and red napkins .
9 At the height of her anger , unable to stop herself , she beat a loud tattoo with her clenched fists on the wooden edge of the bunk .
10 She has a long association with the scouting movement and is president of the East Middlesbrough scout executive .
11 Usually my mother was just like a sister to me but she has a strange fascination with the Queen .
12 She has a spacious interior with full headroom throughout , room for ancillary cruising equipment and ample stowage space , while her deep bilges allow generous fuel and water tankage for long distance cruising .
13 Curiously , the far-from-Victorian Duchess believes she has a personal affinity with the grand Queen .
14 Although she gave up this job eight years ago , she has a lasting identification with it .
15 She has a close relationship with her daughter ‘ we go out together , and I do n't have to drag her ’ and the two work together visiting the homeless .
16 On the upper deck aft from the wheelhouse she has a little lounge with a sauna .
17 She has a quick word with two of her female friends and returned to me with the words , ‘ Right , Scottish , we go . ’
18 The Princess of Wales survives attacks because she is glamorous , lovable , a devoted mother of her two boys , because children adore her and she has a natural affinity with them , and because she bravely enters fields which command respect ( shaking hands with AIDS victims for example ) .
19 When the table was ready she filled a deep pan with water and put it on the cooker , her movements slow and simpering in contrast to those of her mother , who quickly poured olive oil into a big black frying-pan , threw in the artichokes , covered them and rinsed her hands and arms before drawing a chair up to one of the cauldrons and sliding into the curd up to her elbows .
20 Then she noticed a vast woman with a swarthy dead-pan face and black hair drawn back into a bun , who was standing near the O'Briens with grimly folded arms .
21 A pupil at Fernhill School , Rutherglen , she plans a sixth year with a view to going to university to study law .
22 She imagined a gilded barge with João sitting in the stern .
23 At the beginning of her appraisal interview , she expressed a general satisfaction with her status and responsibilities .
24 Gilli went with him , and during their stay on the island she developed a close relationship with its easy-going inhabitants .
25 ‘ She felt friendless after Wyatt returned to America and she developed a close bond with Bryan who , after all , came from a broken home like the Duchess and also shared her uninhibited sense of humour and fun . ’
26 Her ‘ tubular ’ voice production has the merit of keeping the voice steady , and it sometimes rivets attention , especially when she takes a high note with an especially clean attack as she does in the love music of Act 1 .
27 Does she anticipate a second marriage with Geoff ?
28 She exchanged a few words with the shift supervisor , a dour Scot named Rachel McBride , and was told a message had been sent to Belial confirming their arrival and condition .
29 Hastily she ties a negligent knot with her hair , and loose locks on her forehead pry into the dark of her eyes .
30 In the 1940s , when she trained as a nurse in Johannesburg , she began a lasting friendship with Mr Mandela 's first wife , Evelyn .
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